Compatibility Study of Aceclofenac and Tablet Disintegrants by Thermal and Nonthermal Methods


Monica R.P. Rao2, Devidas G. Bachhav1*, Ramdas B. Rode3, Komal R. Nikam1 and  Namrata D. Pathade1

1MGV’s S.P.H.College of Pharmacy, Malegaon, Dist: Nashik, Maharashtra.             2AISSSMS College of Pharmacy, Pune, Maharashtra    3R.G. Sapkal College of Pharmacy, Nashik, Maharashtra

*Corresponding Author E-mail:



Drug excipients compatibility study is important preformulation tool for the selection of excipients prior to large scale development trials, thereby helpful to avoid potential stability problems. The present investigation was aimed at Compatibility study of Aceclofenac, an NSAID with some tablet disintegrants as Starch 1500, Croscarmellose Sodium and Sodium starch glycolate, by thermal method (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) and results of DSC were confirmed by nonthermal methods (IR and Assay).


KEYWORDS: Compatibility study, DSC, IR, Excipients, Thermal, Nonthermal.



Selection of excipients such as diluents, binders, disintegrants, lubricants, antiadherants, and glidants for an impending formulation is determined earlier from the preformulation study based on the result of the compatibility experiment. Formulation of dosage form, especially in solids such as tablets or capsules requires knowledge of the chemical interaction of the drug substance with adjuvants. Adjuvants or excipients may be numerous in a drug product, as they serve as functioning agents of the manufacturing process.  The excipients facilitate the granulate flow and tablet-compressing operation, as well as providing product with good bioavailability and patient acceptability. Excipients present in the tablets are bulking and filling agents, disintegrating agents, lubricating agents, coloring agents, taste masking agents and stabilizers. They may be found in amounts larger than that of the active substance or in smaller quantities.1


The effect of excipients on pharmaceutical stability appeared in the literature as early as the mid 1950’s. The earliest studies examined only physical appearance. Attempts were made to formalize visual observation by developing appropriate scoring systems; a refinement was tristimulus reflectance measurements.2


As analytical techniques were developed for monitoring stability of the drug substance; they were applied to excipient compatibility testing.  When the problem of dosage form stability was recognized, compatibility testing was a first attempt to address it.3Conventional methods of detecting drug-excipient interactions by accelerated stability studies are time consuming and tedious. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) is fast and reliable method to screen drug excipient compatibility and provide maximum information about the possible interactions4. Various techniques like diffuse reflectance spectroscopy5, accelerated storage tests, TLC, IR6, and X-ray7 are employed for detection of possible interactions and incompatibility.


Van Dooren has recommended the use of the DSC in combination with short time stress in order to evaluate DSC curve more easily.8 In DSC, samples were subjected to a higher temperature range, which may pose a major drawback in identifying the interaction occurring at ambient conditions. Transformation or interactions occurring at this temperature may not take place at room temperature. Hence DSC should not be used as the only tool for studying the drug / excipient interactions. DSC measures the heat loss or gain resulting from physical or chemical changes within sample as function of temperature. Examples of endothermic (heat-absorbing) process are fusion boiling, sublimation, vaporization, desolvation, solid-solid transitions and chemical degradation. Crystallization and degradation are usually exothermic processes9. In general, provided that no new thermal events occur, no interaction can be assigned. Chemical interactions are indicated by the appearance of new peaks or where there is gross broadening or elongation of an exo- or endothermic change. Second order transitions produce changes in the baseline. Such observations may be indicative of the production of eutectic or solid-solution type melts. The excipient is then probably chemically reactive and incompatible with the drug, and should be avoided. Where an interaction is suspected but the thermal changes are small, the incompatibility should be confirmed by other techniques.8


Non thermal methods such as IR spectroscopy and assay is used in the compatibility study of drug and excipients. In IR spectroscopy the realised interactions between drug and excipients discovered and proved with the following important characteristics: appearance of new IR absorption band(s); broadening of band (s); alteration in intensity. The comparison of IR spectra of the drug alone, of the excipient alone and simple physical mixture of the drug and excipients secures the greatest precision of analysis. Also, another nonthermal method for determination of compatibility is to carry out assay of the drug i.e., the percent drug content determined by analyzing the samples of drug excipient mixture (1:1) after exposure to stress conditions as well as room temperature samples. If any degradation of drug occurs due to interaction between drug and excipients it will be evident from the low percent of drug detected in assay.





Aceclofenac BP (Aristo Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.Mumbai), Starch 1500 (Colorcon Asia Pvt.Ltd. Goa), Croscarmellose Sodium, Sodium starch glycolate (Maple Biotech Pvt. Ltd., Pune) Methanol UV grade (Loba Chemicals, Mumbai), KBr.


Differential Scanning Calorimeter (Mettler Toledo, Software –Pyris Manager), UV-Visible Spectrophotometer (Jasco-530), Fourier Transform IR Spectrophotometer (Jasco-460 plus).


The compatibility study between Aceclofenac and Starch 1500, Croscarmellose Sodium, Sodium starch glycolate was carried out by Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and results of DSC were confirmed by using non thermal methods as FTIR and Assay for the samples kept at stress condition (i.e.55°C for 3 weeks).8,12


I. Thermal method:

Differential scanning Calorimetry (DSC) :  Thermograms of individual excipients, drug and 1:1 mixture of drug excipients were obtained. Samples (1-10 mg) were sealed in flat bottomed aluminium pans and heated over a temperature range of  50- 250°C at a rate of 20°C /min. in a nitrogen atmosphere using Mettler Toledo (Software-Pyris manager).


II. Non thermal method:

A) FTIR   : Spectra of individual excipients, drug and 1:1 mixture of drug and excipients were obtained. Samples were prepared by grinding drug, excipients with KBr (1:20) and then, pressing the powder in the sample holder and placed in IR chamber and spectra of individual drug, excipients and their physical mixture were obtained.

b) Assay 13  : The percent content of drug was found out from 1:1 mixture of drug and excipients by carrying out chemical assay.


Standard Preparation: Aceclofenac 50 mg was accurately weighed in 100 ml volumetric flask and 30 ml methanol was added and contents dissolved and volume was adjusted to 100ml by methanol and 2 ml from this solution was transferred to 50ml volumetric flask and volume adjusted to 50ml with methanol.


Sample Preparation: From the physical mixture of drug and excipients sample equivalent to 50 mg of Aceclofenac was taken in 100 ml volumetric flask and 30 ml methanol was added and sonicated for 5 min. to dissolve the contents, volume was adjusted to 100 ml by methanol and solution filtered by using Whatman filter paper no 41, 2 ml from this filtrate was transferred to 50 ml volumetric flask and volume adjusted to 50 ml by using methanol. Aceclofenac contents of standard and sample were determined by measuring UV absorbance at 275 nm by using methanol as blank.



I) Thermal Methods:

Differential Scanning Calorimetry:

The thermal characteristics of the samples are summarized in table 1.Figure:1 shows the thermogram of pure Aceclofenac (A), Starch-1500(B) and its mixture(C). The thermogam of pure Aceclofenac(A)  showed a single sharp endothermic peak with an onset temperature (To) of 153.387°C, peak temperature (Tp) of 156.368°C and recovery to baseline (Tb) at 159.795°C (Figure :1). The peak temperature represents the melting of Aceclofenac. Besides this an exothermic peak is evident at about 50°C of intensity +1.682.This might indicate a conversion to amorphous form followed by a plateau indicating glass transition. The thermogram of Aceclofenac -Starch 1500 mixture (C) shows a single sharp endothermic peak with an onset temperature (To) of 141.737°C and peak (Tp) at 147.383°C. This decrease as well as the decrease in peak height from 15.546 to 3.6134 is due to the dilution effect of the excipient. The exothermic peak at about 50°C shows a potentiation of intensity to 3.3 indicating an interaction between Aceclofenac and starch 1500. However this cannot be considered as a significant incompatibility between Aceclofenac and Starch 1500.


Figure: 2 shows thermogram of Aceclofenac (A), Croscarmellose Sodium (B) and their mixture(C). Thermogram of mixture shows a broadening of the peak for Aceclofenac is seen with an onset at 130.792°C and peak at 141.757°C. This simply reflects a parallel shift of the melting endotherm to the left. There is significant decrease in peak height to 0.7725 and complete disappearance of exothermic peak this indicates interaction.

Table:1) Thermal characteristics of Aceclofenac and tablet excipients.

Sr. No.

Drug /Excipient

Onset (TooC)

Peak (TpoC)

Recovery (TboC)

Area (mJ)

Delta H J/g









Starch 1500







ACF + Starch 1500







CMC Sodium







ACF + CMC Sodium




















Abbreviations:  ACF: Aceclofenac, CMC Sodium: Croscarmellose Sodium   SSG: Sodium Starch glycollate



DSC thermogram of Aceclofenac with excipients


Fig: 1) DSC Thermogram of Aceclofenac (A), Starch -1500(B), Aceclofenac + Starch -1500 (C)


Fig: 2) DSC Thermogram of Aceclofenac (A), Croscarmellose Sodium (B), Aceclofenac + Croscarmellose Sodium(C)


In thermogram of Aceclofenac and Sodium starch glycolate mixture (Figure: 3) there is complete disappearance of Aceclofenac peak. The peak that is seen has an onset temperature (To) of 109.391°C and a recovery to baseline at 152.596°C. The peak height for mixture is 1.9668. The onset temperature (To) for pure SSG is 123.307°C and recovery to baseline (Tb) is seen at 148.122°C the peak height is 1.5786 indicating a parallel shift of excipient to left.


Fig: 3) DSC Thermogram of Aceclofenac (A), Sodium starch glycollate (B), Aceclofenac + Sodium starch glycollate (C)


II) Nonthermal methods:

A) IR Study: From the IR spectra (Figures: 4 - 9) of the physical mixture of drug and excipients, it was found that there was no shifting and disappearance of the prominent peaks of the Aceclofenac (Table: 2 and 3) in samples kept at room temperature as well under stress condition of 55°C for 3 weeks. This indicates that there is no interaction between Aceclofenac and excipients used in the tablet formulation i.e. there is no incompatibility between Aceclofenac and the tablet excipients.


Table: 2) Interpretation of IR spectrum of Aceclofenac (Stress condition samples: 55°C for 3 weeks)

Sr. No.

IR Signal(cm-1)




N-H Stretch





Disubstituted Ar- ring



N-H deformation






Ar - ring



Table:3 ) Percent Drug content

Sr. No


Percent Drug Content

(Ambient condition samples)

Percent Drug Content (Stress  condition samples: 55°C for 3 weeks)


ACF + CMC Sodium








ACF + Starch 1500





Figure:4 )Overly  IR spectra of Aceclofenac (A),Croscarmellose Sodium(B), Aceclofenac + Croscarmellose Sodium mixture (C) (Ambient Condition Sample)


Figure:5) Overly IR  spectra of Aceclofenac (A), Sodium starch glycollate (B), Aceclofenac + Sodium starch glycollate mixture (C) (Ambient Condition Sample)


Figure:6  )Overly IR  spectra of Aceclofenac (A), Starch 1500 (B), Aceclofenac + Starch1500 mixture(C) (Ambient Condition Sample)

IR Spectrum of Aceclofenac with excipents   (Stress Condition Samples: 55°C for 3 weeks)


Figure:7 )Overly  IR spectra of Aceclofenac (A),Croscarmellose Sodium(B), Aceclofenac + Croscarmellose Sodium mixture (C) (Stress Condition Samples: 55°C for 3 weeks)


Figure:8) Overly IR  spectra of Aceclofenac (A), Sodium starch glycollate (B), Aceclofenac + Sodium starch glycollate mixture (C) (Stress Condition Samples: 55°C for 3 weeks)


Figure:9)  Overly IR  spectra of Aceclofenac (A), Starch 1500 (B), Aceclofenac + Starch1500  mixture(C) (Stress Condition Samples: 55°C for 3 weeks).

C) Assay:

The percent drug content of Aceclofenac was found between 99-101% (Table: 3) in all physical mixtures (1:1) of drug and excipients which complies with BP limits (99-101%) mentioned in monograph of Aceclofenac, which shows that there was no degradation or interactions occurring between Aceclofenac and tablet excipients for the samples kept at room temperature  and stress condition (i.e.55°C for 3 weeks).



Compatibility studies performed by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (thermal method) and FTIR, assay (nonthermal method) showed compatibility of Aceclofenac with Starch 1500 and Croscarmelose sodium except sodium starch glycollate. However sodium starch glycollate was found to be compatible with Aceclofenac in FTIR and assay. From this we can conclude that where an interaction is suspected, the incompatibility should be confirmed by other techniques.



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Received on 26.08.2010          Modified on 03.09.2010

Accepted on 11.09.2010         © RJPT All right reserved

Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 4(3): March 2011; Page 423-427