Quantification and Screening of Phytoconstituents in Selected Medicinal Plant
T. Sheela Rani1*, V. Gopal2, S. Seethalakshmi1, K. Chitra1
1Faculty of Pharmacy, Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai
2Mother Teresa Institute of Health Sciences, Pondicherry
*Corresponding Author E-mail: sheelathiru@yahoo.co.in
Plants have almost endless variety of uses for human being. They are the richest source of various drugs containing pharmacological active constituents which have been widely used in variety of field for the prevention and cure of disease. Crude extracts of Myxopyrum serratulum A.W Hill (Oleaceae) revealed the presence of flavonoid, phenol, alkaloid and tannins,.In order to determine and ensure the content of phenol ,tannin ,alkaloid and flavonoid the present research is designed to carry out the quantification of phytoconstituents in methanolic extract of selected medicinal plant Myxopyrum serratulum A.W Hill
KEYWORDS: Myxopyrum serratulum, Phenol, tannin, flavanoid content
WHO estimates about 80% of people living in developing countries relay almost exclusively on traditional medicine for their primary health care needs. Secondary metabolites such as glycoside, phenol, tannin, alkaloid, flavonoid etc are widely used to treat various diseases and promotes health care in mankind. Myxopyrum serratulum A.W Hill belonging to family of oleaceae commonly called as “caturamullai” in tamil is climbing scrub used to treat scabies, fever, headache, backache1. Stem while admixed with coconut oil is used to treat migraine. As per literature review it indicate the presence of phytoconstituents by preliminary phytochemical screening2, Antimicrobial activity has been carried out in selected medicinal plant, GC-MS analysis of leaves3, iridoid glycoside has been isolated, PDE inhibitors in leaves has been carried out. Quantification of phytoconstituents has not been carried out so far .Hence the present study is designed to determine the content of phenol, tannin, flavanoid in selected medicinal plant Myxopyrum serratulum A.W Hill (methanolic extract)
Collection of plant material:
The Fresh plant materials of Myxopyrum serratulum A.W Hill was collected in Trivandrum district of kerela. Botanical identification and authentication was done by Research officer Dr. V. Chelladurai, Research Officer (Botany) CCRAS, Tirunelveli Tamil Nadu.
The plant materials collected were dried under shade and then they are powdered. The dried powder was successively extracted using cold maceration process. The extracts were then concentrated under reduced pressure using rotary flash evaporator and dried in desiccators.
The Methanolic extract was evaluated quantitatively to estimate the total levels of Flavonoids, alkaloid, phenols, tannins by following the standard methods.
Total phenol content 4-6
The total phenol content was determined by using the Folin-Ciocalteu assay. Prepare standard solution of gallic acid (20- 100 μg/ml) /1 ml of test extract to 25 ml standard flask which already contains 9 ml of distilled water. A reagent blank was prepared using distilled water. One millilitre of Folin-Ciocalteu phenol reagent was added to the mixture and shaken well. Kept aside for 5 minutes then add 10 ml of 7% Sodium carbonate solution to above mixture. The required volume was then made up to the mark using distilled water. Incubate for about 90 min at room temperature; the absorbance of the resulting solution was measured at 550 nm using double beam spectrophotometer. Total phenol content present in methanolic extract are expressed in terms of mg Gallic acid equivalents (GAE)
Total flavanoid content:
Aluminium chloride colorimetric assay was used to determine total flavanoid content. To 10 ml volumetric flasks add an aliquot (1 ml) of extracts /standard solutions of quercetin (20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 μg/ml) which contains 4 ml of distilled water. To each flask added 0.3 ml of 5% Sodium nitrite and allowed to stand for 5 minutes then add 0.3 ml of 10% aluminium chloride .Leave the mixture to stand for 5-10 minutes then add 2ml of 1M NaOH and the volume was made up to mark using distilled water. The solution was mixed and absorbance was of the resulting solution is measured against at 510 nm. The total flavonoid content of test extract are expressed in terms of mg quercetin equivalents (QE).
Total alkaloid content:
Weigh accurately about 5 gm of sample and transfer it into 250 ml beaker then add about 200 ml of 10% acetic acid in ethanol and cover it properly. Allow it to stand for 4 hrs .Filter it and the extract was concentrated on water bath up to one quarter of the original volume. Saturated Ammonium hydroxide was added drop by drop until precipitation occurs. The resulting solution was allowed to settle down and washings were made using ammonium hydroxide. It was then filtered. Residue obtained is dried and weighed
Total tannin content:
Folin and Ciocalteu method was used to determine total tannin content in test sample. sample extract (0.1ml) was mixed with distilled water(7.5ml), Folin Phenol reagent(0.5ml), 35% sodium carbonate solution (1ml) was diluted to 10 ml using distilled water. The mixture was shaken well. Incubate at room temperature for 30 min and absorbance was measured at 725 nm. Blank was prepared. A set of standard solutions of Gallic acid is treated in the same manner as described earlier and read against a blank. The results of tannins are expressed in terms of Gallic acid mg/g of extract.
Table 1 :Quantification of phytoconstituents in selected medicinal plant
Phytoconstituents (mg/g) |
Methanol extract |
Phenol |
12.26 ±0.12 |
Flavanoid |
16.86 ±0.10 |
Alkaloid |
13.44 ±0.16 |
Tannin |
09.58±0.10 |
There are several reports to indicate that the secondary metabolites are known to possess antioxidant property. Antioxidants are reported to have beneficial role in human mankind. The present investigation was used to evaluate the amount of phytoconstituents in medicinal plant. It was observed that flavanoid content was higher compared to other phytoconstituents .They are tabulated in Table 1.
The present investigation revealed the presence of phytoconstituent. Hence; the research may further extended to determine in vitro study in selected medicinal plant.
1 Vaidhyrathnam PS Varrier, S, Indian Medicinal Plants- A Compendium of 500 species, Vol 4, Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal, (1996) 88.
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3. Gopalakrishnan S, A Rajameena. R and Vadivel. E Antimicrobial activity of leaves of Myxopyrum serratulum A.W. Hill, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research, Vol-4(1)(2012) :31-34
4 Sulaiman CT, Indira Balachandran, Total phenol and total flavanoids in selected Indian medicinal plants, Vol 74,issue 3, 2012: 258-260
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Received on 06.08.2013 Modified on 05.09.2013
Accepted on 12.09.2013 © RJPT All right reserved
Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 6(11): November 2013; Page 1235-1236