Biochemical and Statistical Analysis of Beverages Industry Effluent
Abhinav K Srivastava1, Ashish Kumar Gupta2, Tithi
Mehrotra1, Ronit Choudhury1, Rachana Singh1*
1Water Quality Monitoring and Bioremediation
Lab, Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh-201313
2Patanjali Research Institute, Patanjali Ayurveda Limited, Haridwar, Uttarakhand-249405
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
The beverages industry faces growing scrutiny of responsible use and protection of
the natural environment through conservation and sustainable
practices. These industries cause high probability of polluting the environment
by discharging untreated wastewater in to the soil and water which lead to
agricultural loss and human health hazards. The aim of this study was to
characterize various physiochemical parameters such as pH, temperature, TS,
BOD, COD and DO etc. from effluent samples collected from four different
beverage industries located in Delhi-NCR along with the biochemical
characterization of isolated bacterial strains from effluent. Analysis of the
collected samples states that the
pH values were 4.57, 4.91, 5.17 and 5.11; Total Dissolved Solids were 1175
mg/l, 1210mg/l, 1270 mg/l and 1250 mg/l; total hardness was measured as 226,
223, 244 and 220 mg/l and alkalinity were 130, 138, 145 and 141 mg/l,
respectively. Chloride test was found negative for effluent samples revealing
the absence of chlorine molecule. Dissolved Oxygen were 3.3, 2.8, 3.1 and 3.2
mg/l, Biological Oxygen Demand were 211, 256, 237 and 272 mg/l where as
Chemical Oxygen Demand was found 1067, 1098, 1078 and 1092 mg/l, respectively.
Results suggested that pH values, DO, total hardness, alkalinity; BOD and COD
were exceeded to the permissible standard limits. This study provides a
detailed insight that beverage industries do produce waste linked problems and there is a high
probability of polluting the environment by these industries as a result of
discharge of untreated wastewater into the water body or soil that may lead to
death of crops or reduction in crops yield, contamination of drinking water
supplies and/or accumulation and dissemination of toxic chemicals that may
further endanger ecosystems and threaten public health. It is hoped that waste
water management practices being used in beverages and other food industries
will benefit to sustain the natural environment.
KEYWORDS: Physicochemical analysis, biochemical
analysis, beverage industry effluent, waste water .
Water pollution
is, introduction of chemical, physical, biological materials into fresh water
bodies or ocean water which degrades the quality of the water and affects the
organism living in it. A report states
that the discharge of untreated sewage is single most important cause for
pollution of surface and ground water in India1. The Beverage and
food processing industries in India is a sunrise sector that has gained
prominence in recent years. The Indian beverages and food processing industry
is one of the largest in the world in terms of production, consumption, export
and in growth prospects2. Increase industrialization with literacy
and affluence has given a considerable push to the beverage and food processing
industry growth. Mechanical life style and crave for comfort is pushing people
towards ready to eat services. It is very good for the progress of the industry
but it also leads to the generation and consumption of water in tremendous
generated from these industries depicts wide variation in strength and
characteristics. Variation due to the amount of water usage, type of raw
material used, type of product and different additives like salt, sugar,
gelatin, colors, oil, dyes and added preservatives also leads to the pollution encumbrance in the wastewater but this
wastewater is non toxic in nature because it comprises less hazardous
compounds. Almost 50% of the water utilized in beverages and food processing
industry is for washing and rinsing purposes3. Water being the
primary ingredient is widely used as a cleaning agent in food processing
industry. This wastewater has been reported to be treated by aerobic and
anaerobic biological techniques4. Due to biological system
malfunctions and fluctuating load and characteristics of wastewater fluctuates
widely, it is hence preferable to provide physicochemical treatment first to
this wastewater prior subjecting it to the biological treatment.
Characteristics of industrial wastewater vary from industry to industry and
within industries also. There are variations in the quality depending upon the
processes, for example quality of wastewater coming out from a cooling tower
will be quite different then the wastewater coming out from any chemical
process. On the other hand there are limited variations in the quality of
sewage depending upon season, sewerage system and lifestyle of people5.
Wastewater contains offensive and potentially dangerous substances which cause
pollution and contamination of receiving water bodies6.
Wastewater is
the primary area of concern at the beverage industry. With the exclusion of
some toxic cleaning products, wastewater from beverages and food-processing
facilities is generally organic and can be treated by conventional biological
technologies7. Primary issues associated with food and beverage
industrial wastewater are biochemical oxygen demand (BOD); chemical oxygen
demand (COD); total suspended solids (TSS); excessive nutrient loading viz.
nitrogen and phosphorus compounds; pH of the water; total alkalinity and
pathogenic organisms. Solid wastes from the food and beverage industries
include both organic and packaging waste. Organic wastes from raw materials
such as food grain, flavoring and coloring agents result out from processing operations.
Inorganic waste typically includes excessive packaging items like plastic,
glass, and metal8. The effluents from the food and beverage industry
are contaminated with toxic metals, these can affect adversely on human health
as either acute or chronic diseases. Livestock and agricultural production
around the industry and its disposal site can also be hampered. Many industrial
organic substances found in water can cause death or reproductive failure in
fish, shellfish and wildlife9. In addition, they can accumulate in
animal and fish tissue, be absorbed in sediments, or find their way into
drinking water supplies, posing long-term health risks to human10.
The present work is undertaken with a view to study the nature of effluents
from different beverage industries and hence to make a comparison of the
quality of effluent.
Effluent samples
were collected from four different beverage industries, located in Delhi-NCR (28°40′N 77°13′E).
The samples were collected in a clean sterile container and stored at 4ºC until
the physicochemical and biochemical analysis was carried out according to the
methods of APHA 200511.
The samples were
analyzed physically for parameters such as pH, DO (dissolved Oxygen), TDS
(Total dissolved Solids), TS (Total Solids), TSS (Total Suspended Solids), BOD
(Biological Oxygen Demand), COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), Hardness and
Alkalinity. The pH of samples was determined by pH meter and temperature in
Degree Celsius on scientific thermometer. TS, TDS and TSS were estimated by
gravimetric method. Chloride, DO determined by titration method. Chemical
oxygen Demand (COD) analyzed and Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) analyses from
incubation at 20ºC for 5 days.
Statistical analysis:
Results obtained
from the effluent samples characterization were further analyzed statistically.
Statistical analysis was done by using ‘SPSS 16’ package program.
Isolation and
characterization of bacteria:
Isolation of
bacteria was done by tenfold serial dilution of effluent. After dilution,
spreading over nutrient agar plates and overnight incubation at 37°C was done.
The single colonies of bacteria were identified from the growth on spread plate
and further streaked on nutrient agar plates to obtain the pure culture of
bacteria12. For gram staining, Smear was prepared and heat fixed.
The smear was treated with crystal violet for 1min and was then removed by
Gram’s iodine to react for 1min. The smear was then washed with water and
treated with 95% ethanol for 15 sec. Smear was washed with water and again
treated with safranin for 30 seconds. Finally smear
was washed, dried and examined under microscope13. The bacterial
isolates were maintained on nutrient agar slants at 4°C and glycerol stocks of
bacterial culture were also prepared.
activities of the isolated bacteria were analyzed by different biochemical
tests such as amylase production, cellulase production,
and degradation of pectin, hydrolysis of gelatin, casein hydrolysis, urease test, hydrogen sulfide production, carbohydrate
catabolism, IMVic tests, citrate utilization, catalaste test and oxidase test14.
The objective of
this study was to investigate the pollution parameters of wastewater from
beverages industry. Total four samples of effluent were collected from four
different industries in the same season and stored at 4ºC for analysis.
Temperature was recorded on the site and effluent samples were analyzed for
physicochemical parameters like DO, TDS, TSS, TS, BOD, COD, hardness and
characteristics of effluent samples are presented in Table 1. Mean values of
physical characteristics such as Temperature, pH, TDS, TSS and TS are 34.5ºC,
4.94, 1226.25mg/L, 180 mg/L, 1406.25mg/L, respectively and mean values of
chemical characteristics such as DO, BOD and COD are 3.1 mg/L, 244 mg/L and
1083.75 mg/L, respectively. The average, minimum and maximum values were
obtained from the analysis of the wastewater effluent samples. The values
obtained after analysis are found higher than the standard permissible limits
given by the Central Pollution Control Board (India). The standard permissible
limits for parameters for pH, TDS, Total Hardness, DO, BOD and COD are 6.5 –
8.5, 2100 mg/L, 61 mg/L, 50 mg/L and 250 mg/L, respectively.
In Table 2
standard permissible values of parameters according to the Central Pollution
Control Board, India is included along with the calculated values of mean,
range, standard error and standard deviation. The range shown in table as for
pH it is 0.6 with minimum value 4.57 and maximum value 5.17, for temperature it
is 2 with minimum value 34 degree centigrade and maximum value 36 degree
centigrade, for total hardness it is 6 with minimum value 220 and maximum value
226, for alkalinity it is 15 with minimum value 130 and maximum value 145, for
TDS it is 95 with minimum value 1175 and maximum value 1270, for TSS it is 60
with minimum value 140 and maximum value 200, for DO it is 0.5 with minimum
value 2.8 and maximum value 3.3, for BOD it is 61 with minimum value 211 and
maximum value 272 and for COD it is 31 with minimum value 1067 and maximum
value 1098. Standard error calculated defines the calculative error of mean in
range of minimum value to maximum value like for pH, Standard Error 0.135 in
range 4.57 to 5.17 and so on for other parameters included in this study.
Standard deviation stated in table shows the deviation on mean value.
Generally, the standard deviation should be less than one third of the mean.
Here, the standard deviation values for parameters pH, temp, TH, alkalinity,
TDS, TSS, DO, BOD and COD are 0.270, 1, 2.5, 6.350, 42.303, 27.080, 0.216,
26.242 and 13.961, respectively.
In this study,
total four bacterial isolates were obtained on the basis of visual difference
of colonies on spread agar plates. All these four isolates (ISB1, ISB2, ISB3
and ISB4) were further observed for their morphological characteristics. ISB1
was observed thin, off-white, smooth regular and translucent on nutrient agar
plate. It was found gram positive and its shape was cocci.
ISB2 was thin, golden, smooth, regular and opaque on the nutrient agar plate.
It was found gram negative and shape was bacilli. ISB3 was observed as thin,
white, waxy and clear on the plate while it was gram positive with cocci shape. ISB4 on nutrient agar plate was thin, white,
granular and clear. Its shape was cocci and it was
found to be gram positive.
Table 1: Physicochemical
characteristics of effluent sample collected from four different beverage
Samples |
pH |
Temp (ºC) |
TH (mg/L) |
(mg/L) |
TDS (mg/L) |
TSS (mg/L) |
TS (mg/L) |
DO (mg/L) |
BOD (mg/L) |
COD (mg/L) |
Site 1 |
4.57 |
34 |
226 |
130 |
1175 |
140 |
1315 |
3.3 |
211 |
1067 |
Site 2 |
4.91 |
34 |
223 |
138 |
1210 |
190 |
1400 |
2.8 |
256 |
1098 |
Site 3 |
5.17 |
36 |
224 |
145 |
1270 |
200 |
1470 |
3.1 |
237 |
1078 |
Site 4 |
5.11 |
34 |
220 |
141 |
1250 |
190 |
1440 |
3.2 |
272 |
1092 |
Table 2: Standard parameter and
calculated values as per the CPCB, India
Parameters and
Values |
pH |
Temp (ºC) |
TH (mg/L) |
(mg/L) |
TDS (mg/L) |
TSS (mg/L) |
DO (mg/L) |
BOD (mg/L) |
COD (mg/L) |
Standard |
6.5-8.5 |
34-36 |
61 |
100 |
2100 |
100 |
5 |
50 |
250 |
Mean |
4.94 |
34.5 |
223.25 |
138.5 |
1226.25 |
180 |
3.1 |
244 |
1083.75 |
Range |
0.6 |
2 |
6 |
15 |
95 |
60 |
0.5 |
61 |
31 |
Std Error |
0.135 |
0.5 |
1.25 |
3.175 |
21.151 |
13.54 |
0.108 |
13.121 |
6.98 |
Std Deviation |
0.27 |
1 |
2.5 |
6.35 |
42.303 |
27.08 |
0.216 |
26.242 |
13.961 |
Table 3: Characteristics of bacteria isolated from
beverage industry effluent
S. No. |
Strain |
Colony on
Plate |
Shape |
Gram Test |
1 |
ISB 1 |
Thin, Off white,
Smooth, Regular, Translucent |
Cocci |
Positive |
2 |
ISB 2 |
Thin, Golden,
Smooth, Regular, Opaque |
Bacilli |
Negative |
3 |
ISB 3 |
Thin, White,
Waxy, Clear |
Cocci |
Positive |
4 |
ISB 4 |
Thin, white,
Granular, Clear |
Cocci |
Positive |
All the four
bacterial isolates were characterized by biochemical tests (Table 4 and Figure
1). In the amylase production test; ISB1 and ISB4 were found positive while
ISB2 and IS3 were found negative. In carbohydrate catabolism all four isolates
(ISB1, ISB2, ISB3 and ISB4) were found positive. In casein hydrolysis test,
only ISB4 was found positive while ISB1, ISB2 and ISB3 were found negative. All
the four isolates were found positive for Catalase
test. In citrate utilization, ISB1, ISB3 and ISB4 were found positive while
ISB2 was observed negative. Gelatin hydrolysis was found positive for ISB2,
ISB3 and ISD4 while it was found negative for ISB1. In hydrogen sulphide production test, ISB2 was positive while ISB1,
ISB3 and ISB4 were found negative. Indole test was
positive for only ISB4 while negative results were found for ISB1, ISB2 and
ISB3. ISB1 and ISB2 were positive for MR test and ISB3 and ISB4 were negative.
All the four isolates were positive for oxidase test.
In urease and VP test, all of them (ISB1, ISB2, ISB3
and ISB4) were found negative.
4: Biochemical characteristics of the bacterial isolates obtained from beverage
S.No |
Strain |
Amy |
Car |
Cas |
Cat |
Cit |
Gel |
H2S |
Ind |
MR |
Oxi |
Ure |
VP |
1 |
ISB 1 |
+ |
+ |
- |
+ |
+ |
- |
- |
- |
+ |
+ |
- |
- |
2 |
ISB 2 |
- |
+ |
- |
+ |
- |
+ |
+ |
- |
+ |
+ |
- |
- |
3 |
ISB 3 |
- |
+ |
- |
+ |
+ |
+ |
- |
- |
- |
+ |
- |
- |
4 |
ISB 4 |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
- |
+ |
- |
+ |
- |
- |
(Amy-Amylase prduction,
Car-Carbohydrate catabolism, Cas-Casein hydrolysis,
Cat-Catalse test, Cit-Citrate utilization,
Gel-Gelatin hydrolysis, H2S-Hydrogen sulphide
production, Ind-Indole, MR-Methyl Red test, Oxi-Oxidase test, Ure-Urease
test, VP-Voges-Proskauer
Figure 1:
Result of biochemical characterization (A) Amylase production test (B)
Carbohydrate catabolism test (C) Casein hydrolysis test (D) Catalase
test (E) Citrate utilization test (F) Gelatin hydrolysis test (G) H2S
production test (H) Indole test (I) MR test (J) Oxidase test (K) Urease test (L)
VP test
The isolated
bacterial strains ISB1, ISB2, ISB3 and ISB4 were further studied for their
growth parameters at different conditions. Under the significant variation of
pH and temperature, the growths of these four strains were studied after 24
hours of incubation. All the four strains were acting same and showing similar
results at different range of pH and temperature. Optimum pH range for growth
was found 6.5 to 7.5 for all the four strain (Figure 2). Optimum temperature
range for growth of all the four strain was found between 35ºC to 40ºC (Figure
Figure 2: Bacterial growth at different pH range (OD at
600nm, incubation time 24hours)
3: Bacterial growth at different temperature range (OD at 600nm, incubation
time 24hours)
The relationship
between the physicochemical parameters like pH, Temp, TH, Alkalinity, TDS, TSS,
TS, DO, BOD and COD in between the samples from four different industries were
calculated by the Pearson Correlation Index using SPSS16 package program. The
Pearson Correlation Index was also calculated to identify the relationship of
obtained data in between the four different industries. Industry wise recorded
significant relations are given in Table 5 and all recorded significant
relations according to water quality parameters are given in Table 6. In Table
5, site wise Pearson Correlation Index result shows that all the data obtained
from four different beverages industries are highly correlated at the level of
significance 0.01 i.e. p<0.01. The effluent characteristics depend on the
quality of water used in the industry and the product which is being
The Industry
wise correlations coefficient results are as Site 2 with Site 1-Highly
Correlated (0.999**), Site 3 with Site 1-Highly Correlated (0.998**), Site 4
with Site 1-Highly Correlated (0.999**), Site 3 with Site 2-Highly Correlated
(0.999**), Site 4 with Site 2-Highly Correlated (1.0**) and Site 4 with Site
3-Highly Correlated (1.0**).
Table 5: Pearson correlation index
coefficient - Industry wise
Site 1 |
Site 2 |
Site 3 |
Site 4 |
Site 1 |
1 |
Site 2 |
0.999** |
1 |
Site 3 |
0.998** |
0.999** |
1 |
Site 4 |
0.999** |
1.0 ** |
1.0 ** |
1 |
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01
level (p<0.01)
In Table 6,
water quality parameter wise Pearson Correlation Index result shows that all
the certain parameters obtained from industries are highly correlated at the
level of significance 0.01 and 0.05 i.e. p<0.01 and p<0.05. The parameter
wise correlations coefficient results are as Alkalinity with pH-Highly
Correlated (0.985*), TDS with pH-Highly Correlated (0.977*), TS with pH-Highly
Correlated (0.996**), BOD with TH-Highly Correlated (-0.965*), TDS with Alkalinity-Highly
Correlated (0.977*), TS with Alkalinity-Highly Correlated (0.997**), TS with
TDS-Highly Correlated (0.981*) and TS with TSS-Highly Correlated (0.952*). This
result indicates that the pH shows the high correlation with alkalinity, TDS and
TS; BOD is highly correlated with Total Hardness; Alkalinity is in correlation
with TDS; and TS is highly correlated with TDS and TSS.
Table 6: Pearson correlation index
coefficient - Parameter wise
pH |
Temp |
TH |
Alkalinity |
TS |
DO |
pH |
1 |
Temp |
0.567 |
1 |
TH |
-0.685 |
0.2 |
1 |
Alkalinity |
0.985* |
0.682 |
-0.556 |
1 |
0.977* |
0.689 |
-0.571 |
0.977* |
1 |
0.946 |
0.492 |
-0.64 |
0.95 |
0.873 |
1 |
TS |
0.996** |
0.632 |
-0.617 |
0.997** |
0.981* |
0.952* |
1 |
DO |
-0.274 |
0 |
0.185 |
-0.316 |
-0.109 |
-0.57 |
-0.298 |
1 |
0.704 |
-0.178 |
-0.965* |
0.598 |
0.557 |
0.741 |
0.649 |
-0.435 |
1 |
0.516 |
-0.275 |
-0.771 |
0.445 |
0.322 |
0.688 |
0.48 |
-0.752 |
0.905 |
1 |
* Correlation is significant at the 0.05
level (p<0.05);
** Correlation
is significant at the 0.01 level (p<0.01).
As soft drink
industries are using large amount of fresh water especially in bottling plants
where used bottles are washed with caustic solutions to make them ready for
reuse .Therefore it is suggested that wastewater of soft drink industry can be
treated and reused to save burden on fresh natural water resources and energy.
The objective of this study was to investigate the main pollution parameters of
wastewater in beverage industry. The water quality parameters viz; pH, Temperature, BOD, COD, DO, TSS and alkalinity
values were found above the permissible limits as recommended values given by
CPCB. Statistical analysis was also performed on the results of water quality
parameters of samples of four beverage industries. Site wise Pearson
Correlation Index result shows that all the data obtained from four different
beverages industries are highly correlated. This reveals the effluent
characteristics of an industry are dependent on the water quality used in
manufacturing process and type of product being manufactured. On the basis of
the result found, we can also conclude that if the environmental and
geographical conditions are same, one kind of industry may produce similar kind
of effluent. The results indicated that pollution parameter levels in effluents
of the selected beverage industries were found high. To avoid the environmental
pollution and to protect public health, wastewater treatment systems are
recommended for beverage industry to treat the effluent properly before its
The authors are thankful to the beverage industries located in Delhi-NCR
for providing waste water samples as and when required. The authors are also
thankful to Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh
for providing infrastructure and scientific support to conduct this study.
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Received on 05.05.2016
Modified on 20.05.2016
Accepted on 24.05.2016 ©
RJPT All right reserved
Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2016;
DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2016.00169.4