Proxy Blind Signature Scheme based on Non-commutative
Division Semi-rings
R. Vijayaragavan
Associate Professor, Department of
Mathematics, Thiruvalluvar University, Serkkadu, Vellore-632 115
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Proxy signatures, introduced by Mambo, Usuda and Okamoto, allow a designated person to sign on
behalf of an original signer. Division semi-ring has been playing an important
role in the theory of cryptography as these are non-commutative division
semi-rings used in cryptography. Some digital signature schemes have been given
but no proxy blind signature has been introduced over division semi-rings .In
this paper we have proposed blind proxy signature scheme using conjugacy search problem over non-commutative division semi
KEYWORDS: Proxy blind Signature, Conjugacy
Decision Problem, non-commutative division semi-rings, Conjugacy.
The concept of blind
signatures was introduced by D. Chaum [1]. A blind
signature scheme is a cryptographic primitive in which two entities a user and
a signer are involved. It allows the user to have a given message signed by the
signer, without revealing any information about the message or its signature.
Blind signatures are the basic tools of digital cash payment systems,
electronic voting systems etc. Proxy signatures as mentioned in [2] allow a
designated person called proxy signer, to sign a message on behalf of an
original signer. According to the delegation type, the proxy signatures are
classified as full delegation, partial delegation and delegation by warrant. In
production of coins, the user makes the bank blindly sign a coin using blind
signature schemes. The user is in possession of a valid coin such that the bank
itself cannot recognize nor link with the user. Whenever a user goes through a
valid branch to withdraw a coin, he needs the branch to make proxy blind
signature on behalf of the signee bank. This application leads to the need of
proxy blind signature schemes.
In this paper we are
introducing a proxy blind signature scheme over non-commutative division
semi-rings. The base for our construction is conjugacy
search problem in non-commutative division semi-rings. In conjugacy
decision problem is easy to compute and conjugacy
search problem is computationally hard. In this article we propose a first
blind proxy signature scheme over non-commutative division semi-rings. This
demonstrates the usefulness of division semi-rings in cryptography as
implementation over a computer system.
1. Preliminaries
Definition 1
A semi-ring is a non-empty set, on which operations of addition and
multiplication have been defined as follows
is a commutative monoid
with identity element
is a monoid with identity element
distributes over addition from either side
for all in
Definition 2
An element r of a semi-ring , is a “unit” if and only if there exists an element of satisfying The element is called the inverse
of in . If such an inverse exists for a unit, it must be unique. We will normally denote the inverse of by . It is straightforward to see that, if and units of, then and In particular . We will denote the set of all units of , by .This set is non-empty, since it contains and is not all of , since it does not contain . we have just noted that is a sub-monoid of , which is infact a group. If , Then , is a division semi-ring.
cryptographic assumptions on non-commutative division semi-rings
consider some mathematically hard problem in division semi-rings. We say that and are conjugate if there is an
element such that.
Conjugacy Decision Problem (CDP):
such that for some
whether and are conjugate or not
Conjugacy Search Problem (CSP):
such that for some
such that
2. Proposed Proxy blind Signature Scheme
this section we analysis proposed scheme. Let the message to be signed be be one way hash functions.
3.1 Key generations using non-commutative division
semi-ring in conjugacy problem
Generation of secret and public keys:
Select a and compute such that is secret key and public key is.
Temporary key generation by the user:
Alice choose a random such that and compute as the self-proxy and as the proxy public key.
Generation of Self proxy warrant:
Alice user her proxy key to generate the self- proxy warrant as follows:
is considered as the
warrant on message
Anyone can verify the
warrant as
of self-proxy signature:
Alice chooses a random and computes
Is signature generated by
Alice on message
Verification of Self proxy signature:
One can compute and accepts iff the conjugacy of the following can proven:
3. Analysis of Proposed Schemes:
The security of the proposed
scheme depends on conjugacy search problem as finding
from is conjugacy search problem.
Also find from is a base problem 1.
Alice public key self-proxy
public key and message
warrant appears in the
verification process which is
sufficient for the verifier to get convinced that the signatures are generated
by Alice using the self- proxy concept.
Strong Identifiability:
Warrant used in the
verification of the signatures includes original signer and self- proxy
signer’s identity and moreover, their public keys are used in the signature
verification so, it is easy to identify the original and the proxy signer.
Strong undeniability:
used in the verification that indirectly involves So, Alice cannot
deny having being signed the message due to the contents from the warrant .
Strong unforgeability:
Alice used her secret keyand random number to create the
self- proxy key as and proxy
public key as .Now finding from is a base
problem 1. So, no one can derive her secret key from the proxy public key.
In this paper we propose a
proxy blind signature scheme with which a proxy user is able to make proxy
blind signature and verifier may verify it very similar to proxy signature
schemes. Our protocol meet security attributed based on conjugacy
problem and we analysed the security aspects. Conjugacy search problem and base problem 1 forms the
building blocks for the security in terms of verifiability, strong Identifiability, strong undeniability
and strong unforgeability.
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Received on 18.05.2016
Modified on 30.05.2016
Accepted on 04.06.2016 ©
RJPT All right reserved
Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2016; 9(7):913-915.
DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2016.00174.8