Tolerability assessment and
anti cancer activity of the partially purified protease inhibitors from Soyabean (Glycine max) orally
administered to rats
Mayasa1, Vijay Kumar Rasal 1, Banappa S Unger2, Kartikeyan
of Pharmacology, KLE College of Pharmacy,
KLE University, Belagavi, Karnataka, India
Council of Medical Research (Regional Medical Research Center), Belagavi, Karnataka, India 590010
3Department of
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Abudhabi,
UAE University, UAE, 17666
*Corresponding Author
Plant protease inhibitors (PI) are
effective at preventing or suppressing carcinogen induced transformation in
animal model systems. We report, partially purified PI from soy bean (SB) were
prepared by regular process and it was evaluated for the acute and sub acute
toxicity studies. Tolerability was assayed after fourteen days of treatment by
dosing with an intragastric cannula.
It was observed that there is no transient change in body weight, organ weights
and blood markers, biochemical parameters with respect to the control group at
the end of the study. There was no statistical difference was found in the
liver, pancreas and renal tests. The SBPI was evaluated for the anti cancer and
cyto-protective activities using MCF-7 and Vero cell
lines. Interestingly, we observed that the SBPI was effective against the MCF-7
cells and protective against the Vero cells. Hence, the partially purified SBPI
were able to induce the selective toxicity in cancer cells and non- toxic
against the normal cells. To conclude, orally administered 200 mg/kg exhibit no
toxicity in rats and it was well tolerated. SBPI are effective and safer to the
milieu as they are less toxic to normal cells and can be extensively applied in
biomedical sciences particularly in the cancer field.
KEYWORDS: Tolerability, anti cancer, toxicity, Protease
inhibitors, Vero Cell lines, Intra gastric.
Protease inhibitors are a group of small
proteins from non-immune origin that share the property of binding to the
target proteases1. Many plant protease inhibitors have attracted the
attention due to their effects on the proliferation and differentiation of the
animal cells, including cancer cells. The in
vitro and in vivo anti tumor
effects of the protease inhibitors are apparently associated with their
modulate growth, differentiation and proliferation2. Toxicity of the
protease inhibitors must be considered as the major step to use as medical
tools, mainly because of the anti-nutritional factors. They are known to
interfere in the nutrition absorption and negative absorption on digestion has
been described from plant derived protease inhibitors3.
Many plant derived protease
inhibitors have been proved to posses anti cancer activity4. Before
testing the anti cancer activity of the soy bean (SB), we studied the acute
toxicity of SBPI using OECD guidelines 423 and were assayed for sub chronic
toxicity (daily dosing for 14 days).
Many researches proved that
diets containing high amounts of soy bean products are associated with low
cancer incidence and mortality rates particularly against breast cancer. Breast
cancer is one major concern to the world majority in the western world5.
Japan has the highest consumption of soy bean (SB) products suggested to lead
the extremely low cancer mortality rates5,6. Many studies have
proved that Bowmann Birk
Inhibitors (Protease inhibitors) (BBI`s) in the soyabean
leads to the anti cancer mortality. Along with the BBI`s, isoflavones,
β-sitosterol, phytic
acids are also held responsible for the anti-tumor activity7.
Recent scientific studies
proves that many different kinds of PI`s in the pure form suppress
carcinogensis8,. The partially purified protease inhibitor form SB
characterized ability to inhibit trypsin and chymotrypsin and has been reviewed elsewhere9, 10.
SBPI has been studied in the purified form, but partially purified form has not
been studied for the toxicity profile and the anti cancer activity. Some of the
human cancer clinical trials are also registered over the purified forms of SB.
There are economical and
purification concerns over the complete purification of the protein. So, in the
present study we are herewith to evaluate the partially purified protein of
SBPI to screen the anti cancer and toxicity studies. Hence, there is need to
evaluate the economically commercially feasible as well as environmental
friendly preparation of the SBPI in order to meet the growing demand in the anti
cancer drug sector. Partially purification technique uses the economical,
efficient and eco-friendly procedures they may be used as the regular homicidal
proteins. The major advantage of the partial purification is their important
role in protecting the bodily system and also easy preparation technique.
Here we present short term
assay in order to the effects SBPI for evaluating the toxicity and anti cancer
activities. Earlier studies have reported the effect of purified protein
activity but no activity reported on the toxicity profiles and anti cancer
activities on the partially purified SBPI against MCF-7 and Vero cell lines in
similar doses and comparative studies were also performed between animal
RPMI-1640 medium, trypsin/ EDTA solution, fetal bovine serum,
glutamate-penicillin-streptomycin solution were purchased from sigma chemical
Co., St Louis USA. All other analytical solvents, de-ionized water and sodium
citrate were procured from Fischer Scientific, India.
Experimental animals:
wistar rats were procured from the Venketeshwara Enterprises, Bangalore and placed in
individual cages with ad libitum water and rodent chow pellet diet. The animals
remained one week for acclimatization for adjustment to 12h light/12h darkness,
at 22°C and a relative humidity of 30 %. The animals were sacrificed at the end
of the experiment by decapitation. The experimental protocol was approved by
the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee of KLEU`s College of Pharmacy, Belagavi which has registered with CPCSEA, Govt. of India
(registration no 221/CPCSEA) with resolution no (KLECOP/IAEC/Res 18-19/05/2014)
2.2 Plant collection:
The plant material was
collected from the local fields of Belagavi,
Karnataka. The Plant has been identified and authenticated by the Scientist C,
ICMR (RMRC), Belagavi as Glycine
max (L.) Merr. (Fabaceae)
voucher specimen (RMRC 1264) was preserved in the same department.
2.3 Partial purification
of the protease inhibitor:
100 grams of the seeds were made to coarse powder and homogenized in 1000 ml of
the 0.1M Phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). The solution was then filtered through the
four layered cheese cloth. The filtered solution was then centrifuged at
10,000rpm/15mins/4°C (Kubato cooling centrifuge). The
supernatant was collected and the precipitate was discarded. The supernatants
were further fractionated by ammonium sulfate (30, 60, and 90%). The 90%
fraction was collected by adding minimum quantity of the phosphate buffer. The
collected suspension was dialyzed for 24 hours at 40C in 0.1 M
phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). The dialyzed suspension was then lyophilized and
stored in -80°C until further use. The proteins were assayed by Lowry et al
method using bovine serum albumin as standard. The purification was performed
regularly for until the end of the experiment11.
2.4 Acute Toxicity studies:
Acute toxicity studies were
performed according to OECD guide lines 423. The five rats were fasted for six
hours and administered with single oral dosage of 2000 mg/kg and observed for
mortality for 24 hours.
2.5 Sub chronic oral
administration of SBPI:
The six rats (n=3) were
fasted for 12 hours before oral administering with 200mg/kg of SBPI to
treatment group and other group received the water ad libitum
for 15 days. Food intake and water intake was measured on day 1, 7, 15th
day prior to the treatment. Blood was collected by retro orbital plexus in EDTA
coated tubes. On the final day, animals were sacrificed by decapitation method
and body organs like liver, kidney, heart, spleen and pancreas were separated
and weighed. After 15 days, the complete blood count was estimated and compared
with the control. Liver function was analyzed by Asparate
aminotransferase (AST), SGOT, SGPT, total protein.
Other parameters like glucose, insulin, and creatinine
were also measured using the commercial kits.
2.6 In vitro cell viability and cytotoxicity
2.6.1 Cell culture:
The study was carried out in
MCF- 7 breast cancer cell lines, were obtained from National center for cell
science (NCCS), Pune, India and cultured as monolayer
in RPMI-1640 medium supplementated with 10% fetal
bovine serum (FBS), penicillin and streptomycin.
Vero cell line culturing
technique Procedure:
Vero cells are derived from
the kidney of an African green monkey were obtained from National center for
cell science (NCCS), Pune, India and cultured as
monolayer in Dulbecco’s modification of Eagle medium (DMEM), supplemented with
10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (FBS), filter sterilized.
2.6.2 Evaluation of cytotoxicity assay:
The growth inhibitory
activity of cells was determined by the MTT (3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,
5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay based on the detection of mitochondrial dehydorgenase activity in the living cells. (Kartikeyan et al 2013). Cells were grown (1x104
cells/well) in a 96 well plate for 24 h with 80% confluence. The old medium was
replaced with fresh medium containing serially diluted PPI and standard and the
cells were further incubated for 24 hours removing and the cells were further
incubated for 24 h removing the culture medium after 24 h, 10µL of MTT solution
(5mg/L in PBS) was added and again allowed for 4 hr incubation at 37 0C
towards color reaction development. An equal volume of DMSO was added to stop
the reaction and to solubilize the blue crystals. Absorbances were measured using microplate
reader at a wave length of 570 nm.
2.7 Statistical analysis:
the parameters were expressed as Mean ±SD and ANOVA was carried out followed by
post Dunnett`s multiple comparison t- test using
Graph pad Prism 5 statistical software. The values of anti cancer study are
given as Mean ±SD for triplicate samples in each group. Difference between the
groups were considered significant at p<0.05.
oral toxicity studies:
Acute oral toxicity studies
were performed according to the OECD guidelines 423 and found no mortality even
after administering 2000mg/kg single oral dose. 1/10th dose of the
dose (200 mg/kg/BW) of SBPI was chosen for screening sub acute toxicity studies
and control group received water.
SBPI response after 15 days of drug administration:
200 mg/kg SBPI dose was
administered via intragastric route every day until
15 days. Significant decrease in food consumption was observed from the first
week of administration until 15th day respect to the control group.
However, on the last week food consumption was as similar to the control group,
may be due to the compensatory mechanisms where the treated animals overcame the
negative effects of the protease inhibitors administration. Rats body weights also showed significant
changes (p<0.05) between the two groups. There was transient decrease
in bodyweights in the first weeks (%) however; at the end of the study a
recovery of weight was observed resulting in reduction in bodyweight of 10 %
respect to the control group. It is well known that PPI interfere with the
nutrition absorption, resulting in animal nutritional status. Our results show
that SBPI administration causes anti-nutritional effects at the beginning of
the experiment with a final recovery, which resulted in reduction in body
weight gain.
3.3 SBPI administration to
the change in the blood markers:
The effect of SBPI on organs
and blood markers is shown in table-1 except the granulocytes were
significantly higher than the control. We observed no significant difference in
spleen, heart, liver, kidney, stomach, thymus, pancreas in compared to the
control group. Results are illustrated in table-2.
Table: 1 Complete Blood Count after 15 days of administration of SBPI oral
S. No |
Parameter |
Control |
1 |
WBC(103/µL) |
5.44±0.20 |
5.84±0.45 |
2 |
Lymphocytes (103/µL) |
4.74±0.24 |
4.61±0.12 |
3 |
Granulocytes (103/µL) |
0.46±0.08 |
0.50±0.041* |
4 |
RBC (106/µL) |
6.72±0.17 |
6.32±0.11 |
5 |
Platelets (103/µL) |
760.77±29.82 |
812.13±41.22 |
6 |
Hb (g/dL) |
12.33±0.22 |
12.23±0.48 |
Statistically significant
difference (t test,p<0.05)
Table: 2 Organ weights after SBPI sub chronic oral
S.No |
Parameter |
Control |
1 |
Heart (g) |
1.69±0.07 |
1.67±0.02 |
2 |
Kidneys (g) |
2.81±0.41 |
2.88±0.45 |
3 |
Liver (g) |
11.88±0.17 |
12.13±0.49 |
4 |
Spleen (g) |
0.85±0.04 |
0.87±0.03 |
5 |
Pancreas (g) |
1.58±0.14 |
1.60±0.03 |
No statistically significant
difference was founded (p>0.05)
Table: 3 Blood markers after the sub chronic oral
administration of SBPI
S. No |
Parameter |
Control |
1 |
Serum insulin levels(µIU/ml) |
3.38±0.35 |
3.416667±0.40 |
2 |
Serum SGOT(U/L) |
118.83±3.18 |
124.3333±8.57 |
3 |
Serum SGPT(U/L) |
96.5±7.86 |
98±7.745967 |
4 |
Serum ALP(U/L) |
180.33±3.77 |
187.66±13.80 |
5 |
Glucose |
79.16±9.62 |
75.83±10.88 |
6 |
Serum total protein (g/dL) |
7.74±0.52 |
7.60±0.29 |
7 |
Serum cholesterol (mg/dL) |
67.9±4.85 |
66.96±12.08 |
8 |
Triglycerides (mg/dL) |
60.73±3.51 |
64.38±4.65 |
9 |
Serum creatinine(mg/dL) |
0.72±0.12 |
0.77±0.07 |
No statistically significant
difference was found (p>0.05)
Different blood markers were
determined on the last day in order to study hepatotoxicity
(SGOT, SGPT), renal injury (creatinine), and
nutritional status (albumin, total protein, creatinine,
and glucose). Results are illustrated in table-3. No differences between groups
were found suggesting that the oral SBPI administration exhibit no toxicity at
the end of the treatment. No significant differences between groups were found,
suggesting no adverse effects after the sub acute toxicity studies.
3.4 Dose dependent cytotoxicity/cell viability of SBPI in MCF-7 and vero cell lines:
The cell viability assay is
one of the important methods for toxicological analysis which explains the
cellular response to the toxic materials and it can provide information on cell
death, survival and metabolic activities12.
Earlier studies have
demonstrated that Bowman birk inhibitors purified
from soya bean using extract induced dose dependent cytotoxic effect on lung tumors 14, esophageal
neoplasms15 and pancreatic neoplasms cell
In the present work, we
selected breast cancer cells MCF-7 for our study because they are most frequent
cell lines chosen for the breast cancer studies and normal kidney cells (Vero
cell lines) for evaluating the cyto-protective
activity. Vero cells are well suited for mechanistic and toxicological studies17.
The above cell lines were
also chosen to compare the cytotoxicity of PI in
cancer and normal cells that differentially respond to PI. To examine the
effect the of both cells which are treated with various concentrations
(0-120µg/ml) of SBPI for 24 h and the results suggest that SBPI were able to
reduce the cell viability of MCF-7 cells in a dose dependent manner.
The most apparent and
noticeable affect following treatment of cells of SBPI shows MTT reduction
capability of SBPI in MCF-7 cell lines with significantly 80 and 120 µg/ml.
Further, we observed the
partially purified SBPI treatment at concentrations (0-120µg/ml) has not
impacted the percentage viability in normal human kidney cell lines (Vero)
cells. In contrast, they are effective against the MCF-7 cells. The cell
viability assays confirmed that no significant was found toxicity in normal vero cells.
In agreement with our results
other research groups have reported that cell viability was significant reduced
the IC50 of PI at 75 µg/ml against MCF-7 and 120 µg/ml in normal
Here we report that sub
chronic administration of SBPI proved the anti nutritional effects in rats
resulting in transient decrease of food intake and body weight in the first
weeks. The final results were observed as a reduction in body weight gain in
respect to the control group. Blood markers suggest no toxic effects and no
alternations in the evaluated groups. Taking together, our results showed that
SBPI provoke a reduction in body weight gain with no other remaining effects,
suggesting compensatory mechanisms and good tolerability. SBPI also proved a
good anti cancer agent against the MCF-7 cell as well as cyto
protective against the normal cells Vero cells.
Authors declare no
conflict of interest
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Received on 27.06.2016
Modified on 02.07.2016
Accepted on 06.07.2016 ©
RJPT All right reserved
Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2016; 9(7):925-928.
DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2016.00177.3