To Study the efficacy of Plumbum Metallicum Homoeopathic Medicine in improving the Cognitive function in Elderly


Tilottama Galande1, Dharmendra Sharma2, Parth Aphale3*

1Professor, Department of Repertory, Dr D Y Patil Homoeopathic Medical College and Research Centre,

Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Pimpri, Pune.

2Professor and HOD, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Dr. D. Y. Patil Homoeopathic Medical College and Research Centre, Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Pimpri, Pune.

3Professor and HOD, Department of Homoeopathic Pharmacy,  Dr. D. Y. Patil Homoeopathic Medical College and Research Centre, Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Pimpri, Pune.

*Corresponding Author E-mail:



Background: Cognitive function may deteriorate with age owing to numerous reasons such as hypertension, Type-II Diabetes Mellitus, Hypothyroidism. This in turn has a negative impact on the physical activity as well as quality of life in elderly. Mini-mental state examination is a technique used to assess the status of cognitive function of any individual. This study aims to assess the efficacy of homoeopathy in improving the cognitive function in elderly. Methods: It was a non-randomized study, wherein 50 patients satisfying the inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected for the study. All the patients were administered PlumbumMetallicum homoeopathic medicine. The cognitive function of the elderly was evaluated using Mini-mental state examination every1 month of treatment till the end of the study period. All the data was measured and analysed at entry and every 1 month till the completion of the study period. Results: At the end of the study, significant improvement in the Mini mental State Examination response score was recorded. Conclusion: Homoeopathic Medicine Plumbum Metallicum is efficient in improving the cognitive function of elderly.


KEYWORDS: Plumbum Metallicum, Mini Mental State Examination, Cognitive function, Quality of life, elderly, dementia, memory.




Cognitive function plays a vital role in the quality of life of any individual. Where cognitive function is said to be sharp in young age, it is said to deteriorate with age. Elder people tend to forget things which in turn may have an effect on their psychomotor functions. It also affects the confidence in elderly. They tend to become dependent on others for their daily chores. They feel as a liability to their family members.1-5


If treated on time, it will help not only to boost their moral but also improve their quality of life. They will be able to lead a good quality of life and enjoy with their family members.6,7,8


They will not feel forsaken, as burden to the society. This will also improve their psychomotor functioning.9,10,11


Mini-Mental State Examination is one such technique used to assess the cognitive function in elderly. It is also useful to assess the efficacy of any therapeutic agents indicated for improving the cognitive function of the individual.12


Homoeopathy has a lot to offer in such cases. Homoeopathic medicines are safe to use without any adverse effects in such cases. They act on the constitutional level of the individual and help in improving the quality of life as a whole. There are many homoeopathic medicines in homoeopathic Materia medica which have indications on cognitive function of the individual and help improve the memory.


The current study aims at assessing the efficacy of homoeopathic medicine in improving the cognitive function in elderly employing MMSE.



To assess the efficacy of PlumbumMetallicum Homoeopathic Medicine in improving the cognitive function in elderly employing MMSE.



1.     To assess the utility of Mini-Mental State Examination in assessing the cognitive function in elderly.

2.     To assess the efficacy of homoeopathy in improving the quality of life with respect to cognitive function in elderly.



The ethical approval for the study was obtained from the Institutional Ethics Committee.


Elderly patients visiting the OPD of Dr. D.Y. Patil Homoeopathic Medical College were included in the study.


Inclusion Criteria:13

Both males and females.

Age: Between age group 50-65 years

Patients coming with complaints of weak memory.

Relatives of the patients complaining of weak memory of the patient.


Exclusion Criteria13,14

Patients more than 70 years age

Patients diagnosed with neurological disorders like Parkinsonism, motor neuron disease.

Patients diagnosed with Alzheimer disease.

Patients diagnosed with ADHD, Epilepsy, diseases of brain and spinal cord.

Patients diagnosed with visual impairment, partial or total hearing loss.

Patients in comatose state.

Paralysed patients.

Patients with complications like uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Cardio-Vascular accidents.



Table.1: Mini Mental State Examination Scoring:13,14

Sr. No

Education Level

MMSE Score


7th grade



8th grade



High school



College level



Table.2- Response Score13,14

Sr. No










Does not answer






Statistical analysis:

Cognitive function response score was be calculated before administering the homoeopathic medicine employing MMSE.


Predetermined validated questionnaire was prepared common to all participants.


The homoeopathic Medicine PlumbumMetallicumwas administered to all patients in potency 200 C, Globules number 30, 3 globules four times a day for 1 month.


The Cognitive function response score was calculated 1 month after administering the homoeopathic medicine employing MMSE.


The study follow up was for 6 months.

MMSE score was calculated after every 1 month.

Final scoring was statistically analyzed using paired t-test.


Observations and Statistical Analysis:

A sample of 50 cases from patients who attended the Out-Patient Department of OPD of Dr. D.Y. Patil Homoeopathic Medical College was taken for this study. All the 50cases were followed up for a period of 6 months to 1 year. These cases were subjected to statistical study. The following tables reveal the observation and result of this study.


Table no. 3- Distribution of cases according to their Gender:


Number of cases












Figure 1: Distribution of cases according to their Gender


Statistical Analysis:

Intention to treat (ITT) population were subjected to statistical analysis.


The analysis was performed on demographic data and treatment outcomes to test the group differences using paired t test.

X= score before treatment Y= score after treatment

A= difference between the scores.

Ā=mean of the difference between the scores

S=S.D of Differences S E= Standard Error of Mean

Now we assume,


Ho – null hypothesis states that homoeopathy is not useful in improving the cognitive function of elderly.

H1 – alternate hypothesis states that homoeopathy is useful in improving the cognitive function of elderly.


Ā = Σ A / n = 3.46

S = √Σ (A - Ā) ² / n-1 = √344.57/49 =2.65

SE= S /√n = 0.37

t = Ā / SE= 6.86/0.37= 9.35

Thus t =9.35

At 5% level for 49 degrees of level of freedom the value of t = 1.67

At 1% level for 49 degrees of level of freedom the value of t = 2.68


Thus, the value obtained is more than the above values so; we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.


Thus, the difference in values obtained is significant.

Therefore, Homoeopathic Medicine Plumbum Metallicum is useful in improving cognitive function in elderly patients.



In this study, the effectiveness of PlumbumMetallicum Homoeopathic Medicine in improving the cognitive function in elderly was evaluated over a time period of 1year on 50 patients fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The evaluation was based on improvement with respect to response score before and after administering MMSE.


Out of the 50patients treated none showed any complications.

Significant improvement in MMSE score was reported in 37 cases out of the 50 cases. 8cases showed no significant change.5 cases were lost in follow up.


If we were to refer to the Homoeopathic Materia Medica of Plumbum Metallicum, it is one of the leading homoeopathic medicine prescribed for weak memory. Plumbum Metallicum is a fore runner in mental depression. Perception of Plumbum Metallicum is very slow. There is weakness of memory where the patient forgets words or sentence. Intellectual apathy is marked. Impairment of memory with paretic dementia is keynote of Plumbum Metallicum. Therefore, the homoeopathic medicine Plumbum Metallicum was selected for this study.15


From the statistical analysis it is evident that Homoeopathic medicine Plumbum Metallicum is useful in improvement of cognitive function in elderly.


Statistical analysis also shows that there is great difference in MMSE scores before treatment and after treatment in cases treated with Plumbum Metallicum.


To conclude, Homoeopathy can play a vital role in improving the quality of life with respective to cognitive function in elderly.



MMSE- Mini-Mental State Examination

C- Centesimal

%- percentage



Firstly, we would like to thank Hon’ble Chancellor of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune, Dr. P.D. Patil Sir for giving us the opportunity to take up this research project. We would also like to thank Hon’ble Trustee Dr. Smita Jadhav Mam for her continuous guidance and support. We would also like to thank the Vice-Chancellor of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune, Prof. Dr. N.J. Pawar Sir for his constant support and guidance. We would also like to thank the registrar of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Dr. A.N. Suryakar Sir for his support and guidance. We would also like to thank the Ethics committee of the college for approving this research project. Last but not the least, we would also like to thank all the patients and their relatives for giving written consent and participating in this study.



There is no conflict of interest amongst the authors.



The study assesses the efficacy of Plumbum Metallicum Homoeopathic Medicine in improving the cognitive function in elderly. Other studies can be taken up involving many such homoeopathic medicines having action on memory of the patient. Also sample size selected is 50. Further research can be taken up on a larger sample size. Also, there was no comparator in the study. Further research can be undertaken using a comparator.



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Received on 24.02.2021             Modified on 18.01.2022

Accepted on 09.06.2022           © RJPT All right reserved

Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2022; 15(12):5537-5540.

DOI: 10.52711/0974-360X.2022.00934