AR Mullaicharam, R Uma Maheswari, K Geetha, Preetha S Panicker, V Chandralekha
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AR Mullaicharam1, R Uma Maheswari2, K Geetha2, Preetha S Panicker2 and V Chandralekha2
1Oman Medical College, Muscat
2Ultra college of Pharmacy, Madurai-20.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 3,
Issue - 2,
Year - 2010
Anorectal disorders are common and the majority of the population will experience one at some time during their lives. There has been a steady increase in the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases in recent decades leading to the identification of new anorectal syndromes. The prevalence of these conditions is increasing Hemorrhoidal disease is very widespread in modern industrial society. Hemorrhoids (piles) are common in both men and women and have a tendency to run in families. They may occur at all ages, but are uncommon below the age of 20 years except for vascular malformation (defect information of blood vessels) which may occur in Children. Hemorrhoids (Greek ‘haima’ means blood and ‘rhoos’ means flowing) or piles (Latin: Pila means a ball) refers to dilated veins occurring in relation to the anus. Hereditary predisposition, low-fibre diet, constipation and abnormal bowel habits are believed to play an important role in pathogenesis of hemorrhoids. This article highlights causes, types, symptoms , diagnosis, management of haemorroids.
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AR Mullaicharam, R Uma Maheswari, K Geetha, Preetha S Panicker, V Chandralekha. Hemorrhoids: A Review. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 3(2): April- June 2010; Page 296-299.
AR Mullaicharam, R Uma Maheswari, K Geetha, Preetha S Panicker, V Chandralekha. Hemorrhoids: A Review. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 3(2): April- June 2010; Page 296-299. Available on: