Author(s): Sheeba Rani M, Raja Sreekanth M, Emmanuel S


DOI: Not Available

Address: Emmanuel S.*, Sheeba Rani M. and Raja Sreekanth M.
Dept. of Agricultural Science, Loyola Academy, Old Alwal, Secunderabad-500 010.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 4,      Issue - 3,     Year - 2011

The present investigation was aimed at evaluating the wound healing potential of aerial parts and roots of Cleome viscosa Linn on albino Wistar rats. Excision and incision models were employed. In each wound model, male albino Wistar rats weighing 180-200g were divided into four groups of 6 animals each. In both the models, group I served as control and group II as reference standard treated with Soframycin. In an excision wound model, group III animals were treated with methanol extract of the aerial parts of C.viscosa (CVAMExt) 500 mg kg/ kg b.w and group IV animals were treated with methanol extract of the roots of C.viscosa (CVRMExt) 500 mg/ kg b.w, for 16 days respectively. In incision wound model, group III and IV animals were treated with CVAMExt and CVRMExt 500 mg/ kg b.w, for 9 days respectively. CVAMExt showed a 91.53% contraction in excision wounds, which was close to the contraction value of the reference drug Soframycin (100%). On the other hand, the same extract used on the incision wound model showed a significant increase (414.37±3.0) in wound tensile strength, which was almost similar to Soframycin. CVRMExt was also showed better wound healing activity in excision wound model 90.75% on day 16. Similarly the same extract used on the incision wound model also showed a better tensile strength (385.23±2.28). Enhanced wound contraction, skin breaking strength, decreased epithelialization time and histological characteristics suggest that extract C.viscosa may have therapeutic benefits in wound healing

Cite this article:
Sheeba Rani M, Raja Sreekanth M, Emmanuel S. Evaluation of the Wound-Healing Activity of Methanolic Extract of Cleome Viscosa Linn. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 4(3): March 2011; Page 441-445.

Sheeba Rani M, Raja Sreekanth M, Emmanuel S. Evaluation of the Wound-Healing Activity of Methanolic Extract of Cleome Viscosa Linn. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 4(3): March 2011; Page 441-445.   Available on:

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RNI: CHHENG00387/33/1/2008-TC                     
DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X 

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