Author(s): G. Rajini, G. Madhumita

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DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00448.7   

Address: Dr. G. Rajini1, Dr. G. Madhumita2
1Professor and HOD- MBA (Integrated), School of Management Studies, Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies (VISTAS) Pallavaram, Chennai
2Associate Professor, School of Management Studies, Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies, (VISTAS) Pallavaram, Chennai
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 12,      Issue - 6,     Year - 2019

Generic Medical stores are opened in India by as Government Initiative called JAN-AUSHADHI in order to bring down the Health Care Budget of every Citizen .At this point of time a study regarding the influence of Purchase of Over the counter Medicines (OTC) by any individual has to be probed in .The major difference between these generic stores and the conventional retailers is the brand name of the medicine and the company’s brand image .Thereby this study is to envisage about the contribution of Brand Loyalty, Brand Image, Brand Resonance, Brand Trust with the Brand Experience. A conceptual regression model was designed and named as Role of brands for purchasing OTC brands Among Indian Women. The study highlights different generation and confines to Gen X and Gen X and New Age Indian Women who fall between 28 to 53 years with women across various professions such as advocates, doctors, academicians, engineering and technocrats, administrators, media/entertainment, entrepreneur and others. Around 736 questionnaires were collected in and around Urban Chennai, Semi Urban, Neyveli, Rural Soolurpet, Tirupur of India. The finest predicted relationship amid independent variables and the dependent variable was done by means of Multiple Regression by using Statistical Package for Social Science SPSS (21.0). The result shows that the brand experience of Gen X and New Age Indian Women professionals is not significant with the brand loyalty, brand image but they are significant with brand resonance, brand trust variables. Meanwhile Brand loyalty has a significant relationship with brand resonance, brand trust and not significant with brand image. This research shall errand the policy makers and pharmaceutical marketers to recognize regarding the brand experience of Gen X and New Age Indian Women.

Cite this article:
G. Rajini, G. Madhumita. Vital Factors Influencing Purchase of Over the Counter (Otc) Medicines: Brand Experiences of Gen X and new age Indian women. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2019; 12(6): 2682-2686. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00448.7

G. Rajini, G. Madhumita. Vital Factors Influencing Purchase of Over the Counter (Otc) Medicines: Brand Experiences of Gen X and new age Indian women. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2019; 12(6): 2682-2686. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00448.7   Available on:

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