Sanjeeb K. Kar, Uma S. Mishra, Prasanna K. Dixit, Shubhrata Nayak
Sanjeeb K. Kar1*, Uma S. Mishra2, Prasanna K. Dixit3, Shubhrata Nayak4
1Faculty of Pharmacy, Gopal Narayan Singh University, Jamuhar, Sasaram - 821305, Bihar, India
2Department of Pharmacy, Royal College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Berhampur - 760002, Odisha, India
3Department of Zoology, Berhampur University, Berhampur - 760007, Odisha, India
4Senior QC Officer, Acme Generics LLP, Davni, Solan -174101, Himachal Pradesh, India
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 16,
Issue - 2,
Year - 2023
During the phytochemical analysis, flavonoids, saponins, tannins, glycosides, alkaloids, and terpenoids were identified in Byttneria herbacea (Malvaceae) among other things. The goal of this research is to identify and characterize the plant's bioactive principle. It has a wide range of folk medicinal applications. The gradient fractionation method was used to isolate and characterize phytoconstituents from ethanol extract. Physical, chemical, and spectroscopic data were used to determine the structure of the isolated substance (IR, UV, 1HNMR, MS). The ethanol extract of the plant yielded a triterpenoid structure. Various spectroscopical approaches were used to identify the odorless, colorless chemical that solubilizes in ethyl acetate and has a melting point of 315°C - 318°C and an Rf value of 0.62 in the mobile phase toluene: ethyl acetate (85:15). As a result of this research, the isolated component has been identified as Betulinic acid, which is accountable for the plant's diverse pharmacological properties.
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Sanjeeb K. Kar, Uma S. Mishra, Prasanna K. Dixit, Shubhrata Nayak. Isolation of Betulinic Acid from Byttneria herbacea (Malvaceae). Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2023; 16(2):535-8. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2023.00091
Sanjeeb K. Kar, Uma S. Mishra, Prasanna K. Dixit, Shubhrata Nayak. Isolation of Betulinic Acid from Byttneria herbacea (Malvaceae). Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2023; 16(2):535-8. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2023.00091 Available on:
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