Temurbek Khajibaev, Feruza Egamova, Dilnoza Mutalova, Sevar Yusupova, Ravshanjon Khalilov, Shakhzod Jumaniyozov, Tamilla Abduraxmanova
Temurbek Khajibaev*, Feruza Egamova, Dilnoza Mutalova, Sevar Yusupova, Ravshanjon Khalilov, Shakhzod Jumaniyozov, Tamilla Abduraxmanova
Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances Named after Acad. S.Yu. Yunusov of the Academy of the Sciences Republic of Uzbekistan, St. Mirzo Ulugbeka, 77, Tashkent, 100170 (Uzbekistan).
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 17,
Issue - 10,
Year - 2024
5 samples of dry extract were obtained from the processing waste of the aerial part of Tribulus terrestris L., from the meal after extraction with 70% ethanol. Based on pharmacological studies, it was established that dry extract from Tribulus terrestris meal, containing 22% polysaccharides and 31.3% of the total phenolic compounds, exhibits a hypoazotemic effect, which has a positive effect on kidney function. In the experimental model of acute kidney failure caused by the introduction of a 50% aqueous solution of glycerol and acute kidney pathology caused by iodine tincture, Triburenal substance obtained from Tribulus terrestris meal has a significant hypoazotemic action. This prevents a sharp increase in the end products of nitrogen metabolism in the blood serum of animals and reduces these indicators more than the reference drug Cynaroside. The urea content in the blood serum of rats receiving Triburenal on the third day of pathology, the difference from the control was 52.0%. Similar changes were noted in the creatinine content in the blood serum; the difference with the control was 49.0%. Regarding the degree of reduction of urea and creatinine in the blood, the Triburenal substance from Tribulus terrestris meal is superior to the hypoazotemic drug Cynaroside. A technological scheme has been proposed for the production of a pharmaceutical substance in the form of a dry extract with a hypoazotemic action from Tribulus terrestris meal with a final product yield of 5.65% by weight of the raw material. The technology is as follows: after extraction of the aerial part of Tribulus terrestris with 70% ethanol, the meal is dried in a drying apparatus with forced air ventilation with a layer of plant raw material on a drying baking tray of 20 mm thick, supplying air at a temperature of 70°C at a speed of 15 m/s for 5 hours, the dried meal is extracted with 40% ethanol at a temperature of 60°C four times at a hydro modulus of 1:18, infusing for 3 hours, the combined extract is concentrated to a content of 15% dry weight and dried. The results obtained make it possible to use the aerial part of Tribulus terrestris rationally.
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Temurbek Khajibaev, Feruza Egamova, Dilnoza Mutalova, Sevar Yusupova, Ravshanjon Khalilov, Shakhzod Jumaniyozov, Tamilla Abduraxmanova. Hypoazotemic action of dry extracts from the waste of Tribulus terrestris. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024; 17(10):4826-2. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00742
Temurbek Khajibaev, Feruza Egamova, Dilnoza Mutalova, Sevar Yusupova, Ravshanjon Khalilov, Shakhzod Jumaniyozov, Tamilla Abduraxmanova. Hypoazotemic action of dry extracts from the waste of Tribulus terrestris. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024; 17(10):4826-2. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00742 Available on:
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