Narendra R. Dighade, Hina D. Mehta, Seema Mendhekar, Vinod M. Thakare
Narendra R. Dighade*, Hina D. Mehta, Seema Mendhekar, Vinod M. Thakare
Nagpur College of Pharmacy, Wanadongri, Hingna Road, Nagpur-441110.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 17,
Issue - 10,
Year - 2024
Now a days multicomponent formulations are becoming more popular in order to ensure timely and complete medication in multidrug therapy and enhancement of patient compliance. Through, analytical methods for single drug are extensively available, still due to complexity in multicomponent formulation, method development for the individual active component is sort of challenge for the analytical chemist. Information in the books also do not provide methods of simultaneous estimation of the newly developed and marketed formulations. Most of the methods are available after separation of active components, which become tedious, time consuming, and lack of accuracy. Therefore, the attention in the present project was focused on to foster simple easy economical reproducible analytical method for the assessment of Aspirin and Clopidrogelbisulphate in combinations by using HPTLC Method.
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Narendra R. Dighade, Hina D. Mehta, Seema Mendhekar, Vinod M. Thakare. Development of an HPTLC Method for Simultaneous Evaluation of Aspirin (ASP) and Clopidogrel (CLO) in a Combined Formulation. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024; 17(10):5091-1. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00783
Narendra R. Dighade, Hina D. Mehta, Seema Mendhekar, Vinod M. Thakare. Development of an HPTLC Method for Simultaneous Evaluation of Aspirin (ASP) and Clopidogrel (CLO) in a Combined Formulation. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024; 17(10):5091-1. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00783 Available on:
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