Author(s): Hiren R. Patel, Jatin Patel, I. S. Anand, C. N. Patel


DOI: Not Available

Address: Hiren R. Patel*, Jatin Patel, I. S. Anand and C. N. Patel
Dept. of Clinical Pharmacy, Shri Sarvajanik Pharmacy College, Near Arvind Baugh, Mehsana-384 001, India
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 3,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2010

Pacemaker is an object that influences the rate at which a certain phenomenon occurs, if it influences heart rate than is called cardiac pacemaker (natural or artificial cardiac pacemaker). The primary purpose of a pacemaker is to maintain an adequate heart rate, because either the heart's native pacemaker is not fast enough, or there is a block in the heart's electrical conduction system. Dr. Hopps invented first implantable artificial pacemaker in 1958. A patient's lifestyle is little bit modified. Few activities those are unwise such as full contact sports and activities that involve intense magnetic fields. Security and privacy concerns have been raised with pacemakers that allow wireless communication. Modern pacemakers are externally programmable and allow the cardiologist to select the optimum pacing modes for individual patients. Like, some combine a pacemaker and defibrillator in a single implantable device. Others have multiple electrodes stimulating differing positions within the heart to improve synchronization of the lower chambers of the heart. A Biventricular Pacemaker (BVP), also known as CRT (cardiac resynchronization therapy) by pacing both sides of the left ventricle, the pacemaker can resynchronize right atrium, right ventricle and left ventricle. An unrealized advancement in pacemaker function could mimic nature by utilizing various bodily input parameters such as CO2 - O2 level at in arterial-vein system, Body temperature, Respiratory rate, Body hormone levels like Adrenaline, etc. Advancement in design - as research efforts continue, future devices promise to be longer lasting, more reliable and versatile. Advances in battery technology, such as using radioactive isotopes, will undoubtedly improve the longevity of implanted pacemakers.

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Hiren R. Patel, Jatin Patel, I. S. Anand, C. N. Patel. Cardiac Pacemaker and Recent Advances. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 3(2): April- June 2010; Page 390-398.

Hiren R. Patel, Jatin Patel, I. S. Anand, C. N. Patel. Cardiac Pacemaker and Recent Advances. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 3(2): April- June 2010; Page 390-398.   Available on:


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