Author(s): Y. Indira Muzib, Malleswari. K


DOI: Not Available

Address: Y. Indira Muzib* and Malleswari. K
Department of Pharmaceutics, Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology, Sri Padmavathi Mahila University, Tirupathi.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 3,      Issue - 4,     Year - 2010

Famotidine has been the most widely used drug for the treatment of peptic ulcer for many decades. The present investigation concerns the formulation and evaluation of floating tablets of famotidine which after oral administration, to prolong the gastric residence time, increase drug bioavailability and target the gastric ulcer. A floating drug delivery system was developed using hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose K100M, carbopol 940P and gas-forming agent sodium bicarbonate. The prepared tablets were evaluated in terms of their pre compression parameters, physical characteristics, invitro release, duration of buoyancy, buoyancy lag time. The prepared tablets exhibit satisfactory physical characteristics. All formulations show good in vitro buoyancy. The formulations were optimized for the different viscosity grades of hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose K100M, carbopol 940P its concentration and combinations. The results of the invitro release studies show that the formulations remain buoyant for more than 8 hrs. The formulations were subjected to various kinetic release investigations and it was found that the mechanism of drug release was from polymeric relaxation. Optimized formulation (F7) showed no significant change in physical appearance, drug content, total buoyancy time and optimized formulation stable at 40°±2°C RH for three months. Finally the tablet formulations found to be economical and may overcome the draw backs associated with the drug during its absorption.

Cite this article:
Y. Indira Muzib, Malleswari. K. Formulation and Evaluation of Floating Drug Delivery Systems of Famotidine Tablets. Research J. Pharm. and Tech.3 (4): Oct.-Dec.2010; Page 1109-1113.

Y. Indira Muzib, Malleswari. K. Formulation and Evaluation of Floating Drug Delivery Systems of Famotidine Tablets. Research J. Pharm. and Tech.3 (4): Oct.-Dec.2010; Page 1109-1113.   Available on:

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RNI: CHHENG00387/33/1/2008-TC                     
DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X 

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