Vidya Bhagat, Charan Kishor Shetty, Rohayah Husain, Khairi Che Mat
Vidya Bhagat, Charan Kishor Shetty*, Rohayah Husain, Khairi Che Mat
Faculty of Medicine, University Sultan Zainal Abidin, Jalan Sultan Mahmud, 20400 Kuala, Terengganu, Malaysia
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 11,
Issue - 7,
Year - 2018
Personality dimensions known to be associated with achievements in individual lives. The present study focuses on neuroticism that is one of the dimension impacting academics of medical students. This dimension is one of the big five factors of Eysenckian personality model. The Eysenckian personality model was developed to assess a specific theoretical model and is still commonly used in educational settings and research. This research study is a useful in developing awareness among the medical students and they can be educated to prevent the effect of neuroticism by using mental health exercises. The sample group is 60 medical Students of year one UniSZA, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. They were selected by convenient sampling technique. The Eysenckian personality inventory was used to find out the extent of neuroticism among the sample group. These neuroticism scores were matched with academic scores to find the association between the two variables. Carl Pearson’s correlation coefficient method was carried out to find the significance of their association. There was high prevalence in extent of neuroticism among medical students. Of the 64 subjects 60 were chosen and 4 were excluded because of invalid answer found in the inventory. High score on Eysenckian personality inventory showed higher extent of neuroticism among the sample population. The tabulated neuroticism score and academic scores were statistically analysed to find their association. The results revealed that there were significant correlation neuroticism and academic scores (r=-0.824, p=<0.001). The study result compatible with the hypothetical assumption. There was a significant correlation between academic scores and neuroticism among study sample group. Conclusion: Neuroticism is a one of the personality dimension that has a negative impact on academic performance of medical students. The hypnotized assumption has been proven in the current study.
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Vidya Bhagat, Charan Kishor Shetty, Rohayah Husain, Khairi Che Mat. Need for Focus on Personality Dimension Impacting Academics of Medical Students. Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2018; 11(7): 2814-2816. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2018.00519.
Vidya Bhagat, Charan Kishor Shetty, Rohayah Husain, Khairi Che Mat. Need for Focus on Personality Dimension Impacting Academics of Medical Students. Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2018; 11(7): 2814-2816. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2018.00519. Available on: