Author(s): Amit Chauhan, Rhythm Gandhi, S K Shukla


DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2018.00603.0   

Address: Amit Chauhan*, Rhythm Gandhi, Dr. S K Shukla
Amity Institute of Forensic Sciences, Amity University Sec-125 (Noida)- Uttar Pradesh, India-201313
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 11,      Issue - 8,     Year - 2018

In today’s scenario, identification of an individual has become one of the most paramount aspects of investigation as well as identity in our civilization.Technologists have used extent of traditional methods, even stillthe identification of a person through minute details is questionable. During an investigation of crime largely the minute details are recovered from the scene, these details are needed to be studied appropriately to observe the clues which could direct towards the suspect or the culprit of the crime. In the present day, an attempt is made for the analysis of individual from the minute details. Skeleton is the frame of bones which are formed of hard tissue, thus can be preserved over a long period of time after death and it is sometimes the only evidence found for the forensic investigation. Skelton remains could provide the details such as the stature, gender and age of the victim.The study of assessment of stature and determination of sex of an individual from ring finger is done for such crucial cases inwhich unidentifiable or parts of body encountered from a crime scene. We studied the ring finger of the population of national capital region of India ranging from 20-30 age groups and were successfully able to conclude that the suspect could easily be nabbed from ring finger.

Cite this article:
Amit Chauhan, Rhythm Gandhi, S K Shukla. Stature Estimation and Gender Perception from the Length of ring finger of the Population of National Capital Region of India. Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2018; 11(8): 3279-3282. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2018.00603.0

Amit Chauhan, Rhythm Gandhi, S K Shukla. Stature Estimation and Gender Perception from the Length of ring finger of the Population of National Capital Region of India. Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2018; 11(8): 3279-3282. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2018.00603.0   Available on:

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