A modified simple and sensitive stability indicating RP-HPLC method has been developedfor the determinationof Atazanavir in presence of its degradant products on isocratic mode. The method was validated and forced degradation studies were performed as per ICH guidelines. Hypersil ODS C-18 Column (250mmx4.6 mm, i.d.5µ particle size) using methanol:tetra butyl ammonium hydrogen sulphatemixture with flow rate 1.0 ml/min are the chromatographic conditions for the present study (UV detection 247 nm) (Isocratic mode). Atazanavir was eluted at 4.86 min within the total run time of 10 min. Atazanavir shows linearity 0.5-200 µg/mL (r2 = 0.999). The method was validated and found to be specific as the degradants were not at allinterferingwith Atazanavir.
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Angirekula Narendra, Mukthinuthalapati Mathrusri Annapurna. Study of Forced Degradation behavior of Atazanavir. Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2018; 11(8): 3693-3697. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2018.00678.9
Angirekula Narendra, Mukthinuthalapati Mathrusri Annapurna. Study of Forced Degradation behavior of Atazanavir. Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2018; 11(8): 3693-3697. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2018.00678.9 Available on: https://www.rjptonline.org/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2018-11-8-83