Chakravarthi V., Meera R., Arunachalam R., Sujatha B., M. Manoj Abraham
Chakravarthi V.1, Meera R.2, Arunachalam R.3, Sujatha B.4, Dr. M. Manoj Abraham5
1BPT Final Year, Saveetha College of Physiotherapy, Saveetha University, Chennai.
2BPT Final Year, Saveetha College of Physiotherapy, Saveetha University, Chennai.
3Professor and HOD, Madhav College of Physiotherapy, Madhav University.
4Assistant Professor, Saveetha College of Physiotherapy, Saveetha University, Chennai.
5Principal, Saveetha College of Physiotherapy, Saveetha University, Chennai.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 12,
Issue - 3,
Year - 2019
Aim of the study is to find the effectiveness of Modified Trunk Dissociation Retrainer in improving trunk control in infantile hemiplegic subjects and objective is to determine trunk control following trunk dissociation retraining in infantile hemiplegic subjects. Sample size is 10 selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria with convenient sampling method from out-patient department of SMCH, Chennai. Study design: Quasi experimental study. Materials required: Modified Trunk Dissociation Retrainer. Outcome measures: trunk control measurement scale. A baseline measurement of trunk control is taken before intervention. Intervention was given by researcher for a duration of 3 weeks as 5 days/week. After the 3rd week of intervention first post-test was taken and second post-test in the 6th week. Analysis of post-test values showed that there was significant difference between pre-test and post-test values and also the results sustained from post-test I and post-test II values. Hence the conclusion the study was that the Modified Trunk Dissociation Retrainer is an effective tool to improve trunk control in subjects with infantile hemiplegia.
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Chakravarthi V., Meera R., Arunachalam R., Sujatha B., M. Manoj Abraham. Effectiveness of Modified Trunk Dissociation Retrainer in Improving Trunk Control in subjects with Infantile Hemiplegia. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2019; 12(3): 1141-1144. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00188.4
Chakravarthi V., Meera R., Arunachalam R., Sujatha B., M. Manoj Abraham. Effectiveness of Modified Trunk Dissociation Retrainer in Improving Trunk Control in subjects with Infantile Hemiplegia. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2019; 12(3): 1141-1144. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00188.4 Available on: