Vidya G Doddawad, Shivananda S, Pradeep Subbaiah
Dr. Vidya G Doddawad1, Dr. Shivananda S2, Dr. Pradeep Subbaiah3
1Associate Professor, Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, JSS Dental College and Hospital A Constituent College of JSSAHER Mysore-570022
2 Associate Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, JSS Dental College and Hospital A Constituent College of JSSAHER Mysore-570022
3Senior Lecturer, Department of Orthodontics JSS Dental College and Hospital A Constituent College of JSSAHER Mysore-570022
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 12,
Issue - 3,
Year - 2019
India is the country with highest prevalence of diabetes mellitus in the world. Other condition like premalignant lesions and condition, oral exfoliative cytology may be more appropriate as the non-invasive techniques for early diagnosis. So, cytology technique may help to diagnose diabetes disease and help to prevent the complications. Aims: The present study is conducted to evaluate the cytological and cytomorphometric changes of exfoliated cells of buccal mucosa in type-II diabetic patients. Methods and Material: The diabetic group comprised of 30 diabetic patients, the age of 30-60 years suffering from diabetes mellitus at least from one year. Control group comprised of 15 healthy volunteers above the age of 30 years. Smears were taken from the buccal mucosa and stained with papanicolaou stain. The stained smears were measured for the cellular diameter (CD) and nuclear diameter (ND) along the longest axis of the cell using software digital camera with axiovision of version 2.0. Collected data were analyzed using ‘Unpaired student t test’. Results: The results showed the mean nuclear diameter of the exfoliated cells of diabetic group was 11.198µm and that of the control group was 9.494µm and the difference showed very highly significance (P<0.001). The mean cell diameter of the exfoliated cells of diabetic group showed 56.52µm and the control group showed 53.148µm and the difference between these group was significant (P<0.01). Conclusions: This study suggests that there were significant cellular and nuclear changes in the diabetic patients. The knowledge of which can be helpful for the cytopathologist in the early recognition of the cellular changes in the diabetic patients.
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Vidya G Doddawad, Shivananda S, Pradeep Subbaiah. Cytomorphometric Study of Exfoliated Cells of Buccal Mucosa in Type II-Diabetic Patient. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2019; 12(3): 1178-1180. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00194.X
Vidya G Doddawad, Shivananda S, Pradeep Subbaiah. Cytomorphometric Study of Exfoliated Cells of Buccal Mucosa in Type II-Diabetic Patient. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2019; 12(3): 1178-1180. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00194.X Available on: