Author(s): Rajesh Pudi, Mukthinuthalapati Mathrusri Annapurna


DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00479.7   

Address: Rajesh Pudi*, Mukthinuthalapati Mathrusri Annapurna
Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis and Quality Assurance, GITAM Institute of Pharmacy, GITAM (Deemed to be University), Visakhapatnam, Andhra pradesh-530045, India.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 12,      Issue - 6,     Year - 2019

Haloperidol is an anti-psychotic drug and Benzhexol (Trihexyphenidyl) is an anticholinergic drug. A newstability indicating UPLC method has been developed for the simultaneous determination of Haloperidol and Benzhexol and the method was validated. Waters UPLC with Empower software, with Acquity UPLC SB C18 x 1.7m. column and PDA detector was used for the simultaneous determination of Haloperidol and Benzhexol. A mixture of phosphate buffer and Acetonitrile taken in the ratio 56:44 v/v was used as mobile phase with a flow rate of 0.2 ml/min (UV detection at 245 nm) (Injection volume 1ml). Haloperidol and Benzhexol have shown linearregression equations, y=13361x+476.2(R² = 0.9998) and y =10609 x + 899.5 (R² = 0.9998). The LOD and LOQ are found to be 0.03 µg/mL and 0.10 µg/mL for Haloperidol and 0.03µg/mL and 0.09 µg/mL for Benzhexolrespectively. The present liquid chromatographic method is precise, accurate and can be used for the simultaneous estimation of Haloperidol and Benzhexol tablets.

Cite this article:
Rajesh Pudi, Mukthinuthalapati Mathrusri Annapurna. New RP-UPLC method for The Simultaneous Determination of Haloperidol and Benzhexol in Tablets. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2019; 12(6): 2847 -2850. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00479.7

Rajesh Pudi, Mukthinuthalapati Mathrusri Annapurna. New RP-UPLC method for The Simultaneous Determination of Haloperidol and Benzhexol in Tablets. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2019; 12(6): 2847 -2850. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00479.7   Available on:

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