Author(s): Vijayalakshmi. S, Disalva. X, Chittaranjan Srivastava, Arun A


DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00520.1   

Address: Vijayalakshmi. S , Disalva. X, Chittaranjan Srivastava, Arun A*
School of Hotel and Catering Management, Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies (VISTAS), Chennai, India
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 12,      Issue - 6,     Year - 2019

Natural and artificial flavours are identical. Natural flavours made by extracting chemicals from natural ingredients, artificial flavours are made by creating the same chemical compositions synthetically. The most popular flavouring compound - Vanilla, can find its application in food and beverage industry, perfume and pharmaceutical industries. This review features natural vanilla flavouring from the vanilla bean. The extraction process, chemical constituents and health benefits are emphasised. Culinary uses of vanilla flavouring are analysed. Production of artificial/synthetic vanillin and its health impact is also highlighted. Food and Drug Administration rules have been discussed. From this context consumer awareness and understanding are significant towards the difference between artificial and natural vanilla flavouring and their associated benefits, which help them to make the right decisions for their well being.

Cite this article:
Vijayalakshmi. S , Disalva. X, Chittaranjan Srivastava, Arun A. Vanilla- Natural Vs Artificial: A Review. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2019; 12(6):3068-3072. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00520.1

Vijayalakshmi. S , Disalva. X, Chittaranjan Srivastava, Arun A. Vanilla- Natural Vs Artificial: A Review. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2019; 12(6):3068-3072. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00520.1   Available on:

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