Author(s): Taras V. Upyr, Ilia S. Jelev, Larysa V. Lenchyk, Mykola А. Komisarenko, Abderrahim Ayaou, Olena G. Poghosyan, Galina, I. Dimova, Hanna O. Yeromina


DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00553.5   

Address: Taras V. Upyr1, Ilia S. Jelev2, Larysa V. Lenchyk*1, Mykola А. Komisarenko1, Abderrahim Ayaou1, Olena G. Poghosyan1, Galina, I. Dimova2, Hanna O. Yeromina1
1National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine
2Medical University-Varna, Varna, Bulgaria
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 12,      Issue - 7,     Year - 2019

Qualitative composition and content of biologically active compounds in the peach leaves and 50% ethanol extract obtained from peach leaves have been studied. The total content of phenolic compounds, determined by spectrophotometry in peach leaves was as 3,17±0,15 %; tannins – 1,02±0,05 %; amounts of flavonoids – 2,54±0,12 % and the amounts of hydroxycinnamic acids – 1,59±0,07 %. The qualitative composition and content of phenolic compounds in the 50% ethanol extract was studied with HPLC using an Agilent Technologies chromatograph (model 1100) equipped with a continuous-flow vacuum degasser G1379A, a 4-channel low-pressure gradient pump G13111A, an automatic injector G1313A, a column thermostat G13116A, a diode array detector G1316A. Nine phenolic substances were found, including five hydroxycinnamic acids and four flavonoids. The dominant substances of all determined compounds were kaempferol-3-O- glucoside (46,70 %) and rutin (21,59 %). Among flavonoids, kaempferol glycosides dominated over quercetin glycosides in a 3: 1 ratio. Among hydroxycinnamic acids, the predominant component was chlorogenic acid, its part was 57.65 % of the sum of hydroxycinnamic acids. Free and linked monosaccharides, such as glucose, galactose, rhamnose, arabinose and ribose, were identified in the extract, and their amount was determined by HPLC. Arabinose was identified just in linked form. Obtained results will be used for standardization of the peach leaves and extract and for further pharmacological research.

Cite this article:
Taras V. Upyr, Ilia S. Jelev, Larysa V. Lenchyk, Mykola А. Komisarenko, Abderrahim Ayaou, Olena G. Poghosyan, Galina, I. Dimova, Hanna O. Yeromina. Study of Biologically Active Compounds in Prunus persica Leaves Extract. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2019; 12(7):3273-3276. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00553.5

Taras V. Upyr, Ilia S. Jelev, Larysa V. Lenchyk, Mykola А. Komisarenko, Abderrahim Ayaou, Olena G. Poghosyan, Galina, I. Dimova, Hanna O. Yeromina. Study of Biologically Active Compounds in Prunus persica Leaves Extract. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2019; 12(7):3273-3276. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00553.5   Available on:

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