Author(s): Qais Gasibat, Malak Hasan Mesrati, Rabiu Muazu Musa, Ahlam A. Zidan


DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00742.X   

Address: Qais Gasibat1*, Malak Hasan Mesrati2 , Rabiu Muazu Musa3, Ahlam A. Zidan4
1Faculty of Medical Technology, Physiotherapy Department, Misurata, Libya
2School of Science and Engineering, Malaysia University of Science and Technology, Encorp Strand Garden Office Kota Damansara, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
3Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Gong Badak Campus, Kuala Terengganu,Terengganu, Malaysia
4Physiotherapy Department, College of Medical Technology, Az-Zawia University, Az-Zawia, Libya
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 12,      Issue - 9,     Year - 2019

Exercise is a commonly recommended treatment for chronic low back pain due to its effectiveness in enhancing work and function. This study aims to review numerous crucial phases of the usefulness and safety of exercise in order to provide vital information for treating chronic low back pain. An online literature search of Medline was performed using “exercise,” “?tness,” “low back pain,” “backache” and “rehabilitation” as search words. Abstracts that identified using this method were carefully read, and relevant articles were considered for further analysis. Additional materials were gathered by sourcing relevant research articles. The articles were carefully examined for relevance. There is no evidence that exercise increases low back pain problems, particularly for people with acute, subacute or chronic low back pain. Current studies indicate that exercise has either a neutral effect or might reduce the risk of future back injuries to some extent. Exercise might be suggested for patients with chronic low back pain for three purposes. The ?rst and most recognized purpose is to enhance or decrease deficiencies in back ?exibility and strength and improve the performance of endurance activities. It is evident that this purpose can be achieved for most patients suffering from chronic low back pain. The second purpose of exercise is to decrease the severity of low back pain. Many studies reported an overall decrease in the intensity of low back pain ranging from 10% to 50% subsequent to exercise treatment. The third purpose of the exercise is to decrease low back pain–related incapacity by desensitizing worries and anxieties and changing pain attitudes and beliefs. The exercise mechanisms that can be employed to achieve the aforementioned purposes have been the subject of extensive study. The relevance of using exercise as a therapeutic method to decrease deficiencies in back ?exibility and strength has been established. Several studies reported enhancements in global pain ratings subsequent to exercise programs. Exercise can also reduce the cognitive, behavioral, and disability effects of low back pain conditions.

Cite this article:
Qais Gasibat, Malak Hasan Mesrati , Rabiu Muazu Musa, Ahlam A. Zidan. Effective Recovery and Control of Chronic Low Back Pain by using Rehabilitation Exercises Therapy. Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2019; 12(9):4313-4323. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00742.X

Qais Gasibat, Malak Hasan Mesrati , Rabiu Muazu Musa, Ahlam A. Zidan. Effective Recovery and Control of Chronic Low Back Pain by using Rehabilitation Exercises Therapy. Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2019; 12(9):4313-4323. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2019.00742.X   Available on:

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