Laxminarayana Kurady Bairy, Shakta Mani Satyam, Prakashchandra Shetty
Laxminarayana Kurady Bairy1, Shakta Mani Satyam2*, Prakashchandra Shetty3
1Dean and Chairperson- Pharmacology, RAK College of Medical Sciences, RAK Medical and Health Sciences University, Ras Al-Khaimah (UAE).
2Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Melaka Manipal Medical College (Manipal Campus), Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal-576104, Karnataka (India).
3Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Melaka Manipal Medical College (Manipal Campus), Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal-576104, Karnataka (India).
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 13,
Issue - 12,
Year - 2020
Nowadays influence of gender and obesity on pain perception have been received substantial pragmatic attention. This may have implications for pain management among individuals. This systematic review was aimed to analyse the impact of gender and obesity on pain perception. The electronic databases of the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), PubMed, and EMBASE were searched using combinations of terms for gender, sex hormones, obese, body mass index, leptin, analgesic requirements, endogenous opioids, pain measurement, and pain perception/sensitivity/threshold. Studies without comparison as well as cross-sectional studies, case series, and case reports were excluded. In the context of summary of results of extensive literature search, we found that pain sensitivity against noxious stimuli is more experienced in obese as well as females whereas it is less experienced in lean as well as males. We also found that sex hormones have influence on leptin levels whereas leptin do not affect the level of sex hormones. This review reveals that from gender perspective sex hormones and from obesity perspective leptin play an important interlinked role in pain modulation. Gender and body mass index specific tailoring of pain treatments might become a conceivable outcome in the foreseeable future.
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Laxminarayana Kurady Bairy, Shakta Mani Satyam, Prakashchandra Shetty. An Insight on pain modulation with Gender and Obesity: A Systematic Review. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2020; 13(12):6284-6290. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.01093.8
Laxminarayana Kurady Bairy, Shakta Mani Satyam, Prakashchandra Shetty. An Insight on pain modulation with Gender and Obesity: A Systematic Review. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2020; 13(12):6284-6290. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.01093.8 Available on:
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