Nagesh Kishan Panchal, Jerine Peter S, Pratiksha Chhetri, Chandrayee Sil, Alumar Farook A Evan Prince Sabina
Nagesh Kishan Panchal, Jerine Peter S, Pratiksha Chhetri, Chandrayee Sil, Alumar Farook A Evan Prince Sabina*
Department of Biomedical Sciences, School of Bio Sciences and Technology, VIT, Vellore.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 13,
Issue - 12,
Year - 2020
Diabetes is a condition that takes place when the sugar in the blood rises to high level. The food we intake gives us the energy that is provided by the blood glucose. The pancreas secreted hormone known as Insulin which aids glucose use “from” food for entering into the cells that is used for energy. Homology modelling is the technique to construct an atom based “resolution model” of the specific “target” protein from its respective amino acid sequences. It predicts the three-dimensional structure of a given protein sequence i.e. target protein. Around 1960’s Homology modelling studies were performed using models of bonds and atoms made up of plastic and wire. In this study, we conduct a literature survey to find out the genes responsible for diabetes toxicity followed by their protein modelling by utilizing their respective FASTA sequence from Uni Prot database. Then running the respective sequence of those genes in i-TASSER. The quality of the sequence will be verified through Rampage online software. This study aims for identifying and comparing the non-mutated genes and modelling them accordingly.
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Nagesh Kishan Panchal, Jerine Peter S, Pratiksha Chhetri, Chandrayee Sil, Alumar Farook A Evan Prince Sabina. In-silico docking analysis of the active compounds of Murraya koenigii seeds with the modelled protein of unstructured Diabetes genes. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2020; 13(12):6163-6169. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.01075.6
Nagesh Kishan Panchal, Jerine Peter S, Pratiksha Chhetri, Chandrayee Sil, Alumar Farook A Evan Prince Sabina. In-silico docking analysis of the active compounds of Murraya koenigii seeds with the modelled protein of unstructured Diabetes genes. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2020; 13(12):6163-6169. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.01075.6 Available on:
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