Author(s): Sonia Mor, Prem Saini, Subhash Kumar Wangnoo, Tarunika Bawa


DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.00450.3   

Address: Sonia Mor1*, Dr. Prem Saini2, Dr. Subhash Kumar Wangnoo3, Dr. Tarunika Bawa3
1Ph.D. Scholar (Clinical Research), Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth, Faridabad and Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi.
2Head, School of Pharmacy, Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth , Faridabad.
3Consultant Endocrinologist and Diabetologist, Apollo Centre for Obesity, Diabetes and Endocrinology (ACODE), Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 13,      Issue - 5,     Year - 2020

This narrative review aims to know the association of the novel corona virus disease (COVID-19) in patients with diabetes mellitus and other co-morbidities. COVID 19 has reached the number 2.5 million of cases according to the situation report of World Health Organization on 21st, April 2020, affecting nearly 210 countries worldwide. It's highly virulent, involves ‘flu-like symptoms’, which are mild in most cases, in severe condition, results into acute respiratory distress syndrome, multiple organ failure leading to the blockage in lower respiratory tract/pathways and difficulty in breathing, it increases the risk for hospitalization and sometimes, leads to death in COVID-19 patients. Most of the patients are asymptomatic, but they can be a carrier to those who have less immunity. Patient with other co-morbidities like diabetes, cardiac problems, and older ages fails to survive as they are more prone to virus infections. The additional burden of disease can be one of the factors to the mortality in these cases.

Cite this article:
Sonia Mor, Prem Saini, Subhash Kumar Wangnoo, Tarunika Bawa. Worldwide spread of COVID-19 Pandemic and risk factors among Co-morbid conditions especially Diabetes Mellitus in India. Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2020; 13(5):2530-2532. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.00450.3

Sonia Mor, Prem Saini, Subhash Kumar Wangnoo, Tarunika Bawa. Worldwide spread of COVID-19 Pandemic and risk factors among Co-morbid conditions especially Diabetes Mellitus in India. Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2020; 13(5):2530-2532. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2020.00450.3   Available on:

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