Author(s): M. Krishnaveni, M . Saran Kumar, G. Anithasri, S. Nanthini, K .Gowsalya, P. Devayani, P. Karuppuchamy, V. Vijay


DOI: 10.52711/0974-360X.2021.01031   

Address: M. Krishnaveni1, M . Saran Kumar2, G. Anithasri2, S. Nanthini2, K .Gowsalya2, P. Devayani2, P. Karuppuchamy2, V. Vijay2
1Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Periyar University, Salem-11.
2M.Sc Students, Department of Biochemistry, Periyar University, Salem-11.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 14,      Issue - 11,     Year - 2021

Air pollution due to huge number of vehicles emitting toxic gas poisons both living environment affecting fauna and flora. Road side plants are affected mostly by pollution as they are primary acceptors and gets reflected in terms of tolerance and sensitivity to pollution. Hence, the present work was designed to study the air pollution tolerance (APTI) using biochemical parameters and anticipated performance index (API) of the plants collected near seven different locations. Among the plants assessed, all plants selected does not show much difference in ascorbic acid, total chlorophyll, pH, relative water content, but that slight difference exhibited variations in air pollution tolerance index. Pongamia pinnata (33.16), Ficus religiosa (34.05) Near Asian rubber Industry, Kandampatty Byepass, Salem was found to be a tolerant species, Polyalthia longifolia (8.21) as very sensitive in plants studied Near KMB Granites Pvt. Ltd. Kottagoundampatty, Salem, and the rest was found to be moderately tolerent. Since, the studied plants show lesser surface area, the amount of dust collected was also less, which might be due to the climatic condition prevailed at that time of sample collection. Likewise, the API was found to be excellent in Yercaud lake view and very good in study area Duroflex company, Karimangalam, Dharmapuri, poor in study area Thanithotty Quarry, Salem as well as in KMB granites Pvt.Ltd. and good for the remaining three locations. So, the sensitive plants has to be protected that are located in these sites to reduce the pollution load.

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M. Krishnaveni, M . Saran Kumar, G. Anithasri, S. Nanthini, K .Gowsalya, P. Devayani, P. Karuppuchamy, V. Vijay. Air Pollution Tolerence Index, Anticipated Performance Index of plants studied near selected sites at Salem, Dharmapuri District. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2021; 14(11):5931-6. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2021.01031

M. Krishnaveni, M . Saran Kumar, G. Anithasri, S. Nanthini, K .Gowsalya, P. Devayani, P. Karuppuchamy, V. Vijay. Air Pollution Tolerence Index, Anticipated Performance Index of plants studied near selected sites at Salem, Dharmapuri District. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2021; 14(11):5931-6. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2021.01031   Available on:

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