Author(s): Nurdiana, Tri Wahyudi Iman Dantara, Mokhamad Fahmi Rizki Syaban, Siti Asyifa Mustafa, Hanifah Ikhsani, Febrinda Esti Syafitri, Novi Kurnia Hapsari, Auliya Khoirunnisa


DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2021.00192.X   

Address: Nurdiana1, Tri Wahyudi Iman Dantara2, Mokhamad Fahmi Rizki Syaban3, Siti Asyifa Mustafa3, Hanifah Ikhsani3, Febrinda Esti Syafitri3, Novi Kurnia Hapsari3, Auliya Khoirunnisa3
1Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
2Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
3Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 14,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2021

SLE is an autoimmune disease that has very complex pathogenesis. SLE patients have more sensitive B cells and reduced regulator T cell activity. The increase in activityof B which has play a role in the absorption and presentation of autoantigens to T cells. B cells and T cells will also affect the production of cytokines such as TNF a and TGF-ß. We used forty female BALB/c mice, aged 6 until 8 weeks old received a single intraperitoneal injection of 0.5 cc pristane for lupus induction. At 16 weeks after injection, pristane-induced lupus mice were divided into four groups based on the doses received by intragastrically: 10.5mg/kg/day, 21 mg/kg/day, and 42mg/kg/day for 12 weeks. At 38 weeks after injection, all of mice were assessed for inflammation marker. Study results showed that percentages of maturation of B cells, TNF-a, were decreased (p<0.05) and percentages of TGF-ß were increased (p>0.05) in Bryophyllum pinnatum leaves ethanol extract-treated mice. Ethanol extract of Bryophyllum pinnatum can inhibit the maturation of B cells so that it can decrease the auto antigen presentation rate in T cells. Bryophyllum pinnatum can also reduce TNF a levels that have been pro-inflammatory agents, whereas Bryophyllum pinnatum can increase TGF-ß levels which have the role of anti-inflammatory agent.

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Nurdiana, Tri Wahyudi Iman Dantara, Mokhamad Fahmi Rizki Syaban, Siti Asyifa Mustafa, Hanifah Ikhsani, Febrinda Esti Syafitri, Novi Kurnia Hapsari, Auliya Khoirunnisa. Effect of Bryophyllum pinnatum Leaves Ethanol Extract in TNF-α and TGF-β as Candidate Therapy of SLE in Pristane-Induced SLE BALB/c Mice Model. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2021; 14(2):1069-1072. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2021.00192.X

Nurdiana, Tri Wahyudi Iman Dantara, Mokhamad Fahmi Rizki Syaban, Siti Asyifa Mustafa, Hanifah Ikhsani, Febrinda Esti Syafitri, Novi Kurnia Hapsari, Auliya Khoirunnisa. Effect of Bryophyllum pinnatum Leaves Ethanol Extract in TNF-α and TGF-β as Candidate Therapy of SLE in Pristane-Induced SLE BALB/c Mice Model. Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 2021; 14(2):1069-1072. doi: 10.5958/0974-360X.2021.00192.X   Available on:

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