Author(s): Subhajit Ghosh, Padala Narasimha Murthy, Hanumanthachar Joshi


DOI: 10.52711/0974-360X.2021.00427   

Address: Subhajit Ghosh1*, Padala Narasimha Murthy2, Hanumanthachar Joshi1
1Sarada Vilas College of Pharmacy, Mysore-570004, Karnatata, India.
2Royal College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Andhapasara Road, Berampur-760002, Odisha, India.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 14,      Issue - 5,     Year - 2021

Kashayam are unique Ayurvedic Formulation, most of them Polyherbal oral dosage form, used as a medicinal rationale. One of them Kokilaksha Kashayam, Quality of Kokilaksha Kashayam depends only on quality of starting materials, processing of ingredients, meticulous crushing, heating cycle.In traditional system of medicine like Ayurveda, Kokilaksha Kashayam is one of the traditional Indian medicine which is a polyherbal preparation treated with plant extract. It is generally used in the treatments of disorders related to Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic,heart, cancer etc. however detailed characterization studies after preparation & comparison with marketed formulation are significant which can express authenticity of the product. Here the research work deals with the preparation of Kokilaksha Kashayam as per the procedure mentioned in the Ayurvedic text and modern method of preparation. Prepared Kokilaksha Kashayam was characterized and identified by different Analytical techniques, then evaluate preclinical pharmacological studies and also compared with Marketed formulations. Special steps concerned in the preparation of Kokilaksha Kashayam include Upakara (Preparation), Jaran (Heating & Stirring), Shoshan (Purification), Dravyaguna parlksa (Pharmacological experiments), tulana parlksa (comparison Study) by traditional or conventional as well as modern methods of preparation. These products obtained from Jaran (Heating & Stirring), Shoshan (Purification) by water extraction (Decoction process) and marketable sample were analyzed for quality control checks, the parameters mentioned in Ayurvedic texts as well as in modern techniques of evaluation, and pre-clinical pharmacological studies such as Assay of lipid per- oxidation, Hypolipidemic Activity etc were done to find out nature and form of the prepared formulation. Analyzed the in-vitro with in-vivo Anti-hyperlipidemic activity, bio-accessibility of Kokilaksha Kashayam were also determined. The Study reveals that the prepared Kokilaksha Kashayam-T and Kokilaksha Kashayam-M was shown the antioxidant activity was expanded in focus subordinate way. Kokilaksha Kashayam -T and Kokilaksha Kashayam-M repressed the ferrous sulfate prompted lipid per-oxidation in a measurements subordinate way and demonstrated inhibitory focus (IC50) esteem 166.173 and 170.284 µg/ml individually observed from graphical representation. By Oral Administration of Kokilaksha Kashayam-T and Kokilaksha Kashayam-M for nine weeks at the measurement of 2 ml/kg fundamentally decreased serum cholesterol, serum LDL and serum triglycerides while indicated critical ascent in serum HDL when contrasted with high fat eating routine encouraged control gathering. Marketed Kokilaksha Kashayam additionally demonstrated critical decline in serum cholesterol, serum LDL, serum triglycerides and indicated noteworthy ascent in serum HDL. Atorvastatin (1.2 mg/kg, p.o.) was utilized as standard antihyperlipidemic drug.The Study confirmed prepared two kinds of Kokilaksha Kashayam as Kokilaksha Kashayam-T and Kokilaksha Kashayam-M and Compared with Marketed Formulation indicated noteworthy decrease in atherogenic record when contrasted with high fat eating routine bolstered control amass which emphatically underpins antiatherosclerotic property of Kokilaksha Kashayam. Hence, it is concluded that Kokilaksha Kashayam can be very useful as cardiac disorder and extending the freshly prepared more active than Marketed formulation.

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Subhajit Ghosh, Padala Narasimha Murthy, Hanumanthachar Joshi. Different Methods of Preparation, Evaluation and Comparison of One Traditional Oral Liquid Formulation for Potential Antihyperlipidemic Activity in Hyperlipidemic Wistar Rats. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2021; 14(5):2426-3. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2021.00427

Subhajit Ghosh, Padala Narasimha Murthy, Hanumanthachar Joshi. Different Methods of Preparation, Evaluation and Comparison of One Traditional Oral Liquid Formulation for Potential Antihyperlipidemic Activity in Hyperlipidemic Wistar Rats. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2021; 14(5):2426-3. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2021.00427   Available on:

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