Djalal, Rosyidi, Lilik, E.R, Dahliatul, Q, Indah, A.A, Dodik, P
Djalal, Rosyidi1, Lilik, E.R1, Dahliatul, Q2, Indah, A.A2, Dodik, P3
1Animal Product Technology Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Brawijaya.
2Laboratory of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya.
3Animal Clinical, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 14,
Issue - 5,
Year - 2021
Lampung Robusta green coffee is an authentic Indonesian coffee that is in great demand by the public. The active ingredients in coffee such as chlorogenic acid and polyphenols are useful antihypertensive, antibacterial, immunomodulator, and antioxidant. Research on the effects of coffee in chicken’s health such as the immune system or as antioxidants has not yet existed. The aim of the study, therefore, was to determine the effects of giving Robusta coffee extract on chickens to the antibody titers and intestinal damage. The study was experimental with post-test control only design, using Isa Brown layer chickens, consisting of 60. The treatment group included: negative control (healthy, without coffee), P1: 500mg coffee/kg bw (body weight), P2: 1000mg coffee/kg bw, and P3: 1500mg coffee/kg bw. The coffee was given using gastric tube when the chickens were 3-16 days old, and the serum was taken on day 18. Data on antibody titer and MDA levels were analyzed using One Way ANOVA with a standard error of 0.05 while histopathology of jejunum was analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that the extracts of Lampung robusta coffee could not increase antibodies against AI virus (Avian Influenza) or the ND virus (Newcastle disease), decrease levels of MDA (Malondyaldehyde), or improve jejunum histopathology in P3 as the analysis found no erosion of epithelial cells or cell infiltration inflammation. These findings suggest that Lampung robusta coffee extract can be used as an imunosupressor against humoral, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory responses in laying hens.
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Djalal, Rosyidi, Lilik, E.R, Dahliatul, Q, Indah, A.A, Dodik, P. The Effects of Lampung Robusta Green Coffee Extract (Coffee Canephora Var Robusta) on Layer Chicken’s Humoral Immune System and Intestinal Histophalogy. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2021; 14(5):2779-4. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2021.00490
Djalal, Rosyidi, Lilik, E.R, Dahliatul, Q, Indah, A.A, Dodik, P. The Effects of Lampung Robusta Green Coffee Extract (Coffee Canephora Var Robusta) on Layer Chicken’s Humoral Immune System and Intestinal Histophalogy. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2021; 14(5):2779-4. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2021.00490 Available on:
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