Dipanwita S. Ghoshal, Sopan N. Kharat, Sangeeta A. Godbole
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Dipanwita S. Ghoshal1, Sopan N. Kharat2, Sangeeta A. Godbole1*
1Department of Botany, Jai Hind College, Churchgate, Mumbai – Maharashtra – India – 400020.
2Department of Botany, SSR College of ACS, Silvassa, UT of DNH and DD – India – 396230.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 15,
Issue - 10,
Year - 2022
Plants extracts continue to be natural sources of various drugs which play an important role in combating several diseases and infections. Flavonoids are an important class of secondary metabolites with immense potential to be used as drugs, for treating several diseases. With an aim to discover more natural sources of flavonoids to be used as drugs, leaf and flower extracts of two species of Ixora were analyzed. Current study deals with phytochemical analysis and quantification of 2 flavonoids, Rutin and Kaempferol, present in Ixora javanica and Ixora barbata using HPTLC method. The present study involves detection, quantification and comparison of both the above flavonoids present in their leaf and flower extracts. The solvents used for extraction were also compared to suggest the best solvent to be used to obtain maximum amount of flavonoids. Leaf and flower extracts of both plants were made using petroleum ether, 85% methanol and 90% ethanol solvents. HPTLC analysis indicated the presence of Rutin and Kaempferol in the extracts. The highest amount of Rutin was recorded in 85% methanolic extract of flowers of Ixora javanica (1298.6µg/ml). This was followed by 85% methanolic extract of leaf of Ixora barbata (1183.5µg/ml). The lowest amount of Rutin was observed in 90% ethanolic extract of leaf of Ixora barbata (10.9µg/ml). The highest amount of Kaempferol was observed in 90% ethanolic extract of leaf of Ixora javanica (527.8µg/ml). The lowest amount of Kaempferol was observed in 90% ethanolic extract of leaf of Ixora barbata (58.2µg/ml).
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Dipanwita S. Ghoshal, Sopan N. Kharat, Sangeeta A. Godbole. HPTLC Quantification and Estimation of Rutin and Kaempferol using aerial parts of Ixora javanica (blume) dc. and Ixora barbata roxb. ex. sm. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology2022; 15(10):4533-1. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2022.00761
Dipanwita S. Ghoshal, Sopan N. Kharat, Sangeeta A. Godbole. HPTLC Quantification and Estimation of Rutin and Kaempferol using aerial parts of Ixora javanica (blume) dc. and Ixora barbata roxb. ex. sm. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology2022; 15(10):4533-1. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2022.00761 Available on:
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