Author(s): Santosh Kumar Mahapatra, Seema Verma


DOI: 10.52711/0974-360X.2023.00142   

Address: Santosh Kumar Mahapatra1, Seema Verma2*
1Institute of Pharmacy and Technology, Salipur, Cuttack.
2Royal College of Pharmacy, Raipur, Chhattisgarh.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 16,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2023

It was intended to developed and evaluate polyherbal tablet consisting dry powder of aqueous extract of Tinospora cordifolia,Annona squamosa,Withaniasomnifera,and Azadirachta indica.The aqueous extract of Tinospora cordifolia,Annona squamosa,Withaniasomnifera,and Azadirachta indicawere formulated. The direct compression approach was used to create all six distinct pills (HF1 to HF6) in the batch. The mixtures were tested for their flow qualities and their compressibility, and the results showed that they were successful in both categories. A single rotatory punching machine was utilised throughout the production of the tablets. After that, the compressed tablets were put through a variety of different physical tests, including evaluations of their diameter, thickness, weight variability, variation in hardness, friability, in vitro disintegration time, and in vitro dissolution. The outcomes of each of these tests came back as positive, which is a good sign.

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Santosh Kumar Mahapatra, Seema Verma. Formulation and Evaluation of Polyherbal Tablet for Better Therapeutic Efficacy. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2023; 16(2):835-8. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2023.00142

Santosh Kumar Mahapatra, Seema Verma. Formulation and Evaluation of Polyherbal Tablet for Better Therapeutic Efficacy. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2023; 16(2):835-8. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2023.00142   Available on:

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