Author(s): Shubhangi A. Patil, Pratibha S. Salve, Rohan S. Phatak, Niranjan D. Chivate

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DOI: 10.52711/0974-360X.2023.00172   

Address: Shubhangi A. Patil1*, Pratibha S. Salve2, Rohan S. Phatak3, Niranjan D. Chivate4
1Research Scholar KIMS Deemed to be University, Karad 415539, Maharashtra, India.
2Asst. Professor, Department of Pharmacology, KIMS Deemed to be University, Karad 415539. Maharashtra, India.
3Jr. Research Officer, Directorate of Reserch, KIMS Deemed to be University, Karad 415539. Maharashtra, India.
4Sr. Lecturer KCT’S Krishna College of Pharmacy, Karad, 415539 Maharashtra, India.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 16,      Issue - 3,     Year - 2023

In the present study, Total phenolic content, total flavonoid content and in-vitro antioxidant activity of Psidium guajava L. (Myrtecae) leaves extracts (aqueous and methanolic) were estimated quantitatively by using spectrophotometric methods. Antioxidant activity of extracts were expressed as percentage of DPPH radicals inhibition.AEPG shows 40% whereas, MEPG shows 56.66% inhibition.The total phenolic contents (TPC) were calculated by using standard curve of gallic acid and TPCof AEPG and MEPG were 37.72 mg GAE/g and 84.91 mgGAE/g of dry weight of extract respectively .Whereas, total flavonoid contents (TFC) were calculated by using standard calibration curve of Quercetin and TFC of AEPG and MEPG were 67.37 mg QE/g and 86.75 mg QE/g of dry weight of extract correspondingly. MEPG showed the highest phenolic and flavonoid contents. The high content of phenolic compounds indicated that Psidium guajava having potent antioxidant activity and can become one of the promising agent from natural plant source of antioxidant and widely used as folk medicine.

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Shubhangi A. Patil, Pratibha S. Salve, Rohan S. Phatak, Niranjan D. Chivate. Quantitative Estimation of Total Phenolic, Total Flavonoid content and Assessment of In-Vitro Antioxidant Capacity of Psidium guajava L. Leaves Extracts. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2023; 16(3):1028-2. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2023.00172

Shubhangi A. Patil, Pratibha S. Salve, Rohan S. Phatak, Niranjan D. Chivate. Quantitative Estimation of Total Phenolic, Total Flavonoid content and Assessment of In-Vitro Antioxidant Capacity of Psidium guajava L. Leaves Extracts. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology 2023; 16(3):1028-2. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2023.00172   Available on:

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