Minal Harde, Sameer Lakade, Ujwala Wasnik, Shejal Wakade, Komal Doifode, Kamlesh Palandurkar, Shrikant Joshi, Laxman Ingole
Minal Harde1*, Sameer Lakade2, Ujwala Wasnik3, Shejal Wakade1, Komal Doifode1, Kamlesh Palandurkar4, Shrikant Joshi5, Laxman Ingole1
1Modern College of Pharmacy, Sector No. 21, Yamuna Nagar, Nigdi, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
2RMD Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
3Taywade College of Pharmacy, Koradi, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
4Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.
5Department of Pharmacology, Maliba Pharmacy College, Maliba-Mahuva Road, Tarsadi, Dist- Surat, Gujrat, India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 17,
Issue - 11,
Year - 2024
Background: The current investigation explains the validation of High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) technique for quantification of Ruxolitinib in active ingredient and marketed tablet dosage form. For assessment of Ruxolitinib, a specific column chromatographic method has been developed using UV detection. Methods: The chromatographic elution was executed on ODS Phenomenex analytical column (250mm × 4.6mm, 5µm particle size). The solvent ratio utilized was methanol: water (pH 3.5 adjusted with OPA) (70:30 V/V). A constant ratio of eluting phase flow rate 1.0ml/min was used to detect RTB at 236nm. Results: The developed method was justified using various variables such as accuracy, limit of detection, precision, specificity, robustness, limit of quantification. The retention time for Ruxolitinib was obtained at 8.59 min. The designed method was detected linear within 20 to 120µg/ml range. Correlation coefficient (r2) of the regression equation was found to be 0.9999. Detection and quantitation limit achieved was 0.1496 and 0.4483 respectively. The accuracy of the method was determined using recovery study. The % recovery obtained was in the range of 98.68 – 99.80%. All system suitability factors like tailing factor, retention factor, number of theoretical plates were obtained within acceptance range. The obtained result demonstrates that the presented method is reliable, precise, and economical. Conclusion: The specified method was effectively authenticated as per guidelines of ICH in practice and can be claimed successful for the determination of Ruxolitinib in commercial formulation.
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Minal Harde, Sameer Lakade, Ujwala Wasnik, Shejal Wakade, Komal Doifode, Kamlesh Palandurkar, Shrikant Joshi, Laxman Ingole. ICH Guideline in Practice for Quantification of Ruxolitinib by applying Validated RP-HPLC Method on Commercial Tablet Formulation. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024; 17(11):5242-6. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00802
Minal Harde, Sameer Lakade, Ujwala Wasnik, Shejal Wakade, Komal Doifode, Kamlesh Palandurkar, Shrikant Joshi, Laxman Ingole. ICH Guideline in Practice for Quantification of Ruxolitinib by applying Validated RP-HPLC Method on Commercial Tablet Formulation. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024; 17(11):5242-6. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00802 Available on:
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