Kenzhebek B. N., Ishmuratova M. Yu., Atazhanova G. A., Smagulov M. K.
Kenzhebek B. N.1, Ishmuratova M. Yu.2, Atazhanova G. A.1,2, Smagulov M. K.2
1NCJSC "Karaganda Medical University", Gogol Str.40., 10000, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.
2NCJSC "Karaganda University named after E.A. Buketov", Universitetskaya Str 28, block 3., 100028, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 17,
Issue - 11,
Year - 2024
The pharmacognostic analysis of the medicinal plant raw materials is an important stage to develop a new drug. Some species from the Lamiaceae families are of great interest. They have not been studied before. Only brief information on the chemical composition and biological properties can be found for these species. The research object consists of the aerial organs of Ziziphora clinopodioides of Lamiaceae family. The following diagnostic characters at a macroscopic level were determined as the macroscopic features of raw materials: leaf structure, stem shape, structure and color of the calyx and corolla of flower. The microscopic features of raw materials included the shape of the upper and lower epidermal cells, diacytic stomata, the presence of small multicellular trichomes and large essential oil glands in the structures of the leaf, stem, calyx and corolla of the flower. Mesophyll was divided into the palisade and spongy tissues on the cross section of the leaf, ant it was also defined as the microscopic features of raw materials. The histochemical features were characterized by the staining of various cell types as the result of the interaction of reagents with the detectable metabolites, and by the localization of the different components in plant organs.
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Kenzhebek B. N., Ishmuratova M. Yu., Atazhanova G. A., Smagulov M. K.. The Pharmacognostic Research of Ziziphora clinopodioides Raw materials. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024; 17(11):5254-0. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00804
Kenzhebek B. N., Ishmuratova M. Yu., Atazhanova G. A., Smagulov M. K.. The Pharmacognostic Research of Ziziphora clinopodioides Raw materials. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024; 17(11):5254-0. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00804 Available on:
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