Syamsu Nur1*, Fitriyanti J. Sami1, Amriani Sapra2, Andi N. Aisyah2, Asril Burhan3, Megawati1, Marwati3, Nurul A. Yusuf2, Mislia4, Nursamsiar1 1Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Almarisah Madani University, Makassar, Indonesia 90242. 2Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Almarisah Madani University, Makassar, Indonesia, 90242. 3Department of Pharmaceutical Biology, Almarisah Madani University, Makassar, Indonesia, 90242. 4Educational Sciences, Universitas Pejuang Republik Indonesia, Makassar, Indonesia, 90215. *Corresponding Author E-mail: syamsunur19@gmail.com ABSTRACT: Muntingia calabura fruit, with its local name (Indonesia), is Kersen, a plant with phenolic compounds that have the potential to be formulated as antiaging with antioxidant mechanisms and inhibition of tyrosinase and elastase activity. The purpose of this study was to formulate extracts of Kersen fruit into a stable cream preparation based on an experimental box Behnken design approach to determine the concentration of phytocream as an emulsifier and isopropyl myristate as an enhancer and further evaluate for in vitro and in vivo performance. Kersen fruit was extracted and then formulated into an o/w cream at a concentration of 5%. The obtained cream was evaluated for stability in a thermodynamics study based on the standard parameters, followed by the effectiveness based on the penetration profiles, the ability as antioxidants using the ß-carotene bleaching method, and antiaging effectivity by tyrosinase and elastase inhibitory. The effective formula was then subjected to in vivo safety testing (anti-irritation) using rabbits and volunteers. The results showed no specific change in the cream, including organoleptic, homogeneity, pH, viscosity, spreadability, and type of cream parameters. The cream also delivered phenolic compounds through the side circum membrane with the highest cumulative amount calculated as gallic acid at 90 and 120 minutes with flux in the range of 0.594 - 1.688 g/cm2hour. The effectiveness of the preparation as an antiaging candidate with antioxidant activity and inhibition of the tyrosinase and elastase showed that the Kersen fruit cream had antioxidant activity >70% and classified as high category and proved to be more effective at inhibiting the tyrosinase and elastase enzyme. Irritation studies showed negligible category in rabbits and non-irritant in humans. The cream formula with the active raw ingredient kersen fruit extract has good characteristics and effectiveness to develop it as a natural skin care product.

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Syamsu Nur, Fitriyanti J. Sami, Amriani Sapra, Andi N. Aisyah. Application box Behnken design for the optimum cream formula of M. calabura fruit extract: In vitro and In vivo studies as an antiaging product. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024; 17(11):5325-5. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00815

Syamsu Nur, Fitriyanti J. Sami, Amriani Sapra, Andi N. Aisyah. Application box Behnken design for the optimum cream formula of M. calabura fruit extract: In vitro and In vivo studies as an antiaging product. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024; 17(11):5325-5. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00815   Available on: https://www.rjptonline.org/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2024-17-11-23

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