Author(s): Sara Chadi, Sabah Boumerfeg, Abderrahmane Baghiani, Thoraya Guemmez, Amel Boudechicha


DOI: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00843   

Address: Sara Chadi1, Sabah Boumerfeg2,3*, Abderrahmane Baghiani3, Thoraya Guemmez3, Amel Boudechicha4
1Laboratory of Characterization, Valorization of Natural Resources, Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences University Mohamed El Bachir El Ibrahimi, Bordj Bou-Arreridj, 34000, Algeria.
2Department of Biology, Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences, University Mohamed El Bachir El Ibrahimi, Bordj Bou-Arreridj, 34000, Algeria.
3Laboratory of Applied Biochemistry, Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences, University Ferhat Abbas Setif 1, 19000, Algeria.
4Laboratory of Applied Microbiology, Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences, University Ferhat Abbas Setif 1, 19000, Algeria.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 17,      Issue - 11,     Year - 2024

This study involved the investigation of polyphenol and flavonoid content, the antioxidant and antimicrobial potential of Hyoscyamus albus extracts. Four sub-fractions were obtained by successive extraction by using methanol, chloroform, and ethyl acetate. The extracts' yields were counted and the total phenolic (TPC) and flavonoid content (TFC) were assessed via spectrophotometric methods. The extracts' antioxidant activity was investigated by using DPPH test, Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC), Hydroxyl radical scavenging potency and ß-Carotene/linoleic acid bleaching assay. The antimicrobial potential was valued against 08 strains of pathogenic bacteria and yeast. The results revealed that the CrE yielded the highest extracted value (13,34%) and the lowest percentage yield was that of EAE (1.46%). Interestingly, the EAE gave higher amounts of polyphenols (186.55 mg GAEq/gE), whereas the ChE showed the lowest content (45.19mg GAEq/gE). Notably, both the EAE and ChE fractions contained the highest levels of flavonoids, correlating with their antioxidant activity. Specifically, the EAE displayed the highest DPPH scavenging activity (p<0.001) with IC50 of 21µg/ml and revealed the strongest total antioxidant capacity (EC50 = 50µg/ml). While the CrE is regarded as an excellent OH quencher with a weaker IC50 close to the synthetic reference standard (p<0.001). However, ChE showed greater inhibition of ß-carotene bleaching and impeded linoleic acid oxidation. Furthermore, the tested extracts exhibited different degrees of antimicrobial activity. The EAE was the only extract that proved effective against the yeast (Candida albicans). The current study confirmed the important antioxidant action, as well as the significant antimicrobial effects of Hyoscyamus albus extracts. These findings firmly underpin the traditional applications of this herb for treating ailments and infection, and could in fact be a source of natural antioxidant, and antibacterial compounds.

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Sara Chadi, Sabah Boumerfeg, Abderrahmane Baghiani, Thoraya Guemmez, Amel Boudechicha. Polyphenol content, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial activities of Hyoscyamus albus L. Aerial extracts. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024; 17(11):5515-4. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00843

Sara Chadi, Sabah Boumerfeg, Abderrahmane Baghiani, Thoraya Guemmez, Amel Boudechicha. Polyphenol content, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial activities of Hyoscyamus albus L. Aerial extracts. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024; 17(11):5515-4. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00843   Available on:

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