Hrithik Dadasaheb Jadhav, Anjana A Kailas, Annamalai Rama, Induja Govindan, Thamizharasan Annadurai, Abutwaibe KA, Kishore Dherange, Sweedal D’Souza, Anup Naha
Hrithik Dadasaheb Jadhav, Anjana A Kailas, Annamalai Rama, Induja Govindan, Thamizharasan Annadurai, Abutwaibe KA, Kishore Dherange, Sweedal D’Souza, Anup Naha*
Department of Pharmaceutics, Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka, 576104, India.
*Corresponding Author
Published In:
Volume - 17,
Issue - 11,
Year - 2024
Healthy interventions are one of the most significant aspects of first-rate athletic execution. Combat-related tasks necessitate the greatest ratio of muscular tissue to body weight in order to reach the highest level of command feasible. An adequate level of nutrition knowledge is essential, especially when it comes to assessing energy requirements while avoiding misunderstandings about dietary supplements and incorrect assessments of steroid requirements, which could damage health. In that framework, our organization seeks to emphasize healthy needs and assess the importance of a daily diet in combat athletes, which gradually involves a wide variety of sporting food nutrients, and the components of nutrients, vitamins, and proteins, as well as cancer-prevention agents and excellent preparation, in powerful its operation. The primary supplements required in a fighter's daily diet, the tools of the trade, the best results, and potential bad effects are all included. Natural boosts their relevance and advantages over synthetic ones, as well as anticipated future trends, are receiving unusual attention.
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Hrithik Dadasaheb Jadhav, Anjana A Kailas, Annamalai Rama, Induja Govindan, Thamizharasan Annadurai, Abutwaibe KA, Kishore Dherange, Sweedal D’Souza, Anup Naha. Delivery of Nutraceutical Products in Sports. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024; 17(11):5660-5. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00862
Hrithik Dadasaheb Jadhav, Anjana A Kailas, Annamalai Rama, Induja Govindan, Thamizharasan Annadurai, Abutwaibe KA, Kishore Dherange, Sweedal D’Souza, Anup Naha. Delivery of Nutraceutical Products in Sports. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2024; 17(11):5660-5. doi: 10.52711/0974-360X.2024.00862 Available on:
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